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If you’ve recently moved home, choosing a new dentist for your family can seem like another chore in the mountain of post-move jobs. There’s not a lot of time to spare. And if you don’t know the area, finding a great dentist can seem like fumbling for a light switch in the dark.

But, you know you can’t rely on luck; you’ve got to get this one right. Your family’s oral health is too important. Plus, if you’ve ever had a bad dentist trip with your kids, you know you need to find one that’s going to get on great with them.

So, where do you start and what do you need to remember? Here’s a checklist for finding great comprehensive dental care for the whole family:

1. Get recommendations

A good dentist always has plenty of happy patients and a great reputation in the area, so word-of-mouth recommendations are a great starting point.

Even if you’re new to the neighborhood, it’s usually pretty easy to find somebody to ask for help. Look out for families with similar age kids who may be able to let you know which dental practice they use, and if they are happy with it. Try asking around at work, with neighbors, or at the school gates. If there’s a neighborhood social media group, they may be able to help, too.

2. Read online reviews

Social media pages and Google are great for getting a quick snapshot of how happy patients are. Remember that it is just a snapshot, however. Smaller or newer dental practices may only have one or two reviews, but may be better for your family than larger, popular practices.

3. Look at credentials

It’s worth checking how experienced and qualified each dental practitioner is. Do they have any special areas of expertise or specific training that may be useful to you? If you may need some more unusual treatment, then have they dealt with this issue before?

It should also be clear that the practice strives to update their training and knowledge regularly. You want to be sure that you are receiving the best and most modern treatment options available.

4. Check clinic hours

By now you should have a shortlist, so it’s time to check out the practicalities.

If you have awkward working hours, you need to check if you’ll be able to get to the dental office without too much hassle. Similarly, are there plenty of chances for your children to attend outside of school hours?

How about in case of an emergency? Don’t forget to ask how easy it would be to get an emergency appointment, if needed.

5. Is parking a non-issue?

A dental practice without lots of parking or great public transport links is a real hassle, particularly if you have very young children. Be sure to check this out.

6. Talk through any special requirements

If anyone in your family has additional needs that may make a trip to the dentist uncomfortable (such as behavioral or learning difficulties, anxiety or allergies), be sure to talk this through with them. How would they make your trip to the dentist more safe and comfortable?

If you have very young kids, you’ll need to know how the practice makes their visit more enjoyable, too. Don’t forget that distractions and rewards are great, but ultimately children need kindness and patience to feel at ease.

7. Feel the atmosphere

Rather than call, visit the practice waiting room and reception to make an appointment for your family’s first dental visit. This way you’ll get a feel for how comfortable it is when you visit for real. Does the practice feel homely and welcoming; will it put everybody at ease; are there refreshments and easy-to-use facilities; are there toys, books and magazines to entertain everybody while waiting?

It is well worth your while following these steps to make a really informed choice. Get the right dentist, and you know that your family’s oral is going to be in safe hands for decades. That’s certainly a huge weight off your mind.


Dr. Michael Letham is the owner and dentist at 24/7 Dental and Bayside Smiles. He graduated from Sydney University in 2000 with Honours, receiving the R Morse Withycombe Prize for Proficiency in Clinical Periodontics (gum treatment). Striving to provide a modern, holistic approach to dental care that is tailored to each individual's requirements, Mike's focus is on being thorough and meticulous whilst being caring and compassionate.

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