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Many individuals might wonder if their drinking water is safe to drink. It happens that certain contaminants can be present in the water that you use at home. In this post, we are sharing eight signs that could be an indication that your water is not safe for consumption.

1. The Water Has An Unusual Taste
Our taste buds have exceptionally delicate sensors that acts as protectors from dangerous or bad substances and this includes unsafe water. If your water has a bitter, fishy, metallic, or oily taste, it may be the ideal moment to start looking into purchasing a filter.

2. Dirt And Sediment Particles In Your Water
Have you ever noticed clay, dirt, sand, or other sediments drifting in the tap water or settled on the bottom of your sink? These particles for the most part, are not toxic, but they can be off putting. You can invest in a point-of-use sediment filter to solve the issue.

3. Your Baked Goods Keep Falling Flat
If you continuously experience baked goods that are falling flat, despite you following the recipe to the tee, then the problem might be in your water. Chlorine that is used in water treatment systems can have an adverse effect on the beneficial bacteria, also known as yeast, that is used for making pizza or bread dough rise. A water filter can sort out the issue.

4. The Water Smell Like Sulfur
If your water has an odor that reminds you of rotten eggs, the culprit is sulfur. This natural mineral is predominant in some water systems, however, is not usually harmful. As the case is with chlorine, you can look at water filter options and find the best option for the Sunshine State to eradicate the awful smell from your water.

5. Your Water Pressure Is Low
If the bathroom faucet is running somewhat slower than normal, you might have a clogged pipe. This happens over time when the pipes get corroded and subsequently fill up with scale and sediment. The only solution is calling a plumber to run new PVC or copper plumbing throughout the home.

6. The Water Has A Chlorine Smell
When you drink a glass of water, does it have the same odor as a swimming pool? Chlorine is used by public water supplies to eradicate harmful microorganisms and bacteria from municipal water. While it is not normally found in dangerous quantities, it can make your water taste unappetizing.

7. The Water Has A Foamy, Cloudy Appearance
Numerous municipal water treatment plants do not filter out naturally occurring elements and minerals from drinking water. These harmless composites can lead to a foamy or cloudy appearance. If this keeps happening on an ongoing basis, bacteria in the water may be the cause. If the issue persists, have your water tested.

8. Stains, Scale, And Spots
Some areas have water that is naturally “hard”. Water contains a significant percentage of dissolved reserves such as magnesium or calcium. Even though hard water is not toxic, it can the suds from soaping and lower the efficiency of dishwasher, laundry detergent, and hand soaps. Hard water also leads to spotting that results in scale deposits on serving pieces, glassware, and plumbing, subsequently decreasing the lifespan of your boiler, hot water heater, and other house appliances. You can opt for a water softener as a resolution for hard water and for removing excess minerals.

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