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What was pandemic around the world?

Our lives before and after the pandemic went through a roller coaster. For some this roller coaster was emotional, for others it was frustrating. For some it was a break, for others a prison. For some, it was an opportunity, for some a challenging situation. We all had to wear face masks which was a challenge itself. Black, blue, flowery and patterned face masks were everywhere one could possibly see.

How it all began?

In March-2020, all the world shut down. The markets, schools, offices and everything just closed down. All the world was down to its knees because of a virus, the covid-19. This was something out of the blue. No one knew how to control it. No one knew how to treat it. Millions of people were affected. Hundreds of thousands lives were lost.

A marker of distinction:

This pandemic became a marker of distinction. As our lives before and after the pandemic are distinct. Those having a ripe age can easily divide their lives into two parts: Before and after pandemic. This is an easy description. People have discovered many things during this period. It was a ride no one has taken for everybody. Regardless, of who that person is. The students, employees, employers, institutes, labors, everyone went through this.

What kind of change in Pandemic?

Everyone went through a drastic change in their lives. Let me just elaborate a few things. Maybe you can relate to some of them. Students were robbed of their schools and classes. Employers were kept away from their working space. People couldn’t even shake hands. Or give their friends a hug. They had to stand feet apart in order to protect themselves as well as others.

What kind of change before Pandemic?

Our lives before pandemic were exceptionally ordinary. We had everything in control. We had all the universe to ourselves. We had the working space, the homes, and the markets. The social circle, the bars, the clubs. We had it all. But maybe we just did not appreciate it as much as we should have.

Things we learned:

I am not going to say that our lives before and after pandemic were perfect. Life always has its flaws and maybe that is its beauty. The world suffered a great loss. So many people lost their lives. People got unemployed. Economy of countries suffered. But everything is not lost, we learned a lot too. I am going to tell you what I learned to appreciate and maybe you can relate to it:

  • Friends: I learned to appreciate all my friends. Friends I have always loved but sometimes took for granted. The difference between our lives before and after pandemic made me realize what part they play in my life.

  • Family: Before pandemic I could never spare time for my family. I tried to, but it was a little time. In pandemic I tried to make the best of my time. I spent every moment I could with my family.

  • Women working at home: I realized the struggles of housewives. I realized that they have been working from home since a long time. And they are my backbone. I learned to appreciate their support.

  • Hugs: Our lives before and after pandemic made me realize the worth of every hug. I cannot hug my friends or family. I have to maintain a social distance. I yearn for a hug and I can’t have it. So I learned not to take any hug for granted, ever!

  • Freedom: Before Pandemic we had freedom. We could go anywhere we liked, at any time. We were free. But we didn’t appreciate that freedom. This pandemic made me realize the worth of that freedom and the power it gave us.

  • Birds: Our lives before and after pandemic made huge differences in our personality. One change that I myself observed was that I heard the birds. One would wake up and sit in the lawn for work. And hears the beautiful birds. Something that they had been deaf to all their lives. So this is positive.

  • Nature: Just like the birds, people also spared time to appreciate nature. The nature that they took for granted before the pandemic.

  • The laughs: Our lives before and after pandemic could not change our craving for a good laugh. I learned to appreciate all the laughing dates with my friends and colleagues.

  • Bravery: The most important change in our lives before and after pandemic was appreciation of hospital staff. The doctors were always seen as heroes. But this pandemic made us realize that hospital staff and nurses are no less than heroes. They risked their lives every single day and helped the affected. A big salute to them and the doctors too.

  • Healthy air: Our lives before and after pandemic were in the same environment and setting. But we learned one thing. The healthy and pure air that we always took for granted was indeed a true blessing. Those masks around my face made me realize hoe blessed we were to have the sun, the air, the moon etc.

These were the differences in our lives before and after pandemic according to my interpretation. Let me know in the comments down below if you can relate to these. Stay Home. Stay safe. Ciao!

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