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Preventive dentistry is the best way to prevent cavities and other serious dental problems. Whether you have had experience with dental care or not, it is essential to know what preventive measures are available for maintaining healthy teeth.

Preventive procedures can begin at any age, but they are often started after a child's first tooth erupts. A comprehensive dental exam will reveal the need for preventative care and let your dentist know about any general health concerns related to oral issues.

Adult patients with no history of cavities also need regular exams so that any potential issues early before they become serious.

The following are some vital steps in the world of preventative dentistry:

  • Regular dental cleanings with an approved professional not only keep your mouth healthy but also help you maintain fresh breath and whiten teeth by removing surface stains.

  • Daily brushing and flossing. This is the foundation of good dental care; without it, even the most attentive person will develop cavities or gum disease.

  • Brushing should include brushing both outside surfaces of teeth and inside where food particles may remain trapped around gums and between teeth.

  • Flossing once per day to remove all food particles that toothbrushes can't reach. Dentist Office Chapel Hill provides emergency care on the spot. They want to make sure that your teeth and smile are safe by resolving dental emergencies as quickly as feasible.

  • Cleaning your tongue with a toothbrush, tongue scraper or cloth to remove bacteria that can cause bad breath and other oral issues.

  • Drink plenty of water daily to flush out toxins and keep teeth, gums and saliva moist and healthy.

  • Chewing sugarless gum after meals increases saliva production, which helps rinse away food particles for healthier teeth, gums, and fresher breath.

  • Limiting snacking between meals so that only nutritious food items are eaten rather than junk food snacks that will stick to teeth and cause increased acid wear and bad breath.

  • Limiting acidic drinks such as soda or sports drink consumption to no more than one per day as these foods will cause erosion of tooth enamel. If you do enjoy these types of drinks, brush your teeth afterwards for a healthier mouth.

  • Use fluoride-treated water if you live in an area with no fluoride in the public water supply. There are many benefits to drinking fluoridated water, but it can become a problem that leads to tooth decay if the amount of fluoride is too high. Speak with your dentist Sydney about fluoride levels in your area.

  • Mouthwashes can be bought over the counter or created at home from ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, salt and peppermint extract (see below). Use these rinses before brushing to make sure all bacteria is removed from the mouth after eating breakfast.

  • Daily use of a night guard to prevent grinding or clenching in your sleep. You can also wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports like football or soccer if you risk getting hit in the face.

  • Depending on your age and diet, periodontal maintenance, which includes deep teeth cleanings every 6 months, could be necessary every 3-4 months instead of 6. Ask your dentist about this schedule if you tend to get cavities frequently.

  • As part of a complete exam, your dentist will look for signs of potentially severe tooth and gum problems that need immediate attention. Leaving issues unaddressed can lead to irreversible damage and pain on top of the financial costs associated with treatment.

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