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According to recent data from a national Council of Cancer study, at least two out of five Australians wish to get a suntan. Indeed, it is no longer news that the sun rays which offer Aussies the tanned skin they desire through the summer months can also cause several skin cancers. Perhaps, this is why, according to research data, two out of every three Aussies develop some skin cancer before they hit 70. Indeed, this is a big problem because, even if we want to get our skin tanned, nobody wants to suffer cancer in their old age.

Thankfully, there might be a solution for this problem in a fake tanning option that does not expose Australians to cancer. If this information has gotten your interest piqued already, then there is more for you! This article will discuss some of the essential things you should know about fake tanning and how it could provide a safe and healthy solution to your tanning problems. Read on for more exciting information.

What You Should Know About Tanning and UV

According to official data, Australia is one of the countries with the highest skin cancer rate in the world today. It has also been discovered that the main reason for this unfortunate statistic is a result of too much UV radiation exposure from the sun.

Perhaps you are wondering what UV radiation means and how it affects you. Well, here is a simple explanation that works. UV radiation concerns a portion of the electromagnet radiation that is emitted from the sun. It is this same electromagnetic radiation that is responsible for skin cancer, premature ageing, and other skin issues. According to study results, a UV level above three is powerful enough to damage your skin DNA and expose you to higher chances of suffering from cancer. This can be quite problematic, considering that the average UV radiation in South Australia for most of the year (between August to April) is above three. It even reaches 10 to 11 during the summer months.

There are two significant types of UV radiation from the sun, including UVB and UVA. Both of them can cause skin DNA damage, leading to cancer. UVA is mainly responsible for skin ageing, while UVB causes sunburn. This means that you will likely get that tanned look you want when you tan under the sun. However, it can expose you to wrinkles, premature ageing, sun spots, scars, flaws, and skin cancer, in the long run.

So, since sun tanning can be this dangerous and unhealthy for the skin, what is a safe alternative that tan-seeking Aussies can go for? Well, you are about to find out.

Fake Tanning; the Solution to Sun Tanning Problems

Professionals and official bodies do not promote the idea that getting a tanned look is better or more desirable than pale skin. Instead, they often advise that you should stick to your natural skin tone. However, if you still wish to tan your skin, it is best to go for a safer and healthier option. This is why professionals often recommend fake tanning products, as against using a solarium of tanning under the sun.

You can get a number of these products in the market, including tanning sprays, lotions, mousses, creams, etc. However, it would be best to always go for the original versions of the products.


Many people want to get tanned skins, but they are afraid of the negative consequences of sun tanning. Thankfully, this article has provided a safer and healthier option you could try. Be sun smart. Use a fake tan, rather spend hours in the sunlight, exposing your skin to harmful UV rays which may one day result in deadly skin cancer. If you haven’t had a skin checkup in a while (or ever), be sure to check yourself into a skin cancer clinic.

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