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Constant changes to Google’s algorithms and deemphasizing PageRank have certainly challenged webmasters to consider how best to approach search engine optimization (SEO).

For a properly optimized site is essential if your pages are to be found by potential customers, individuals who help profit your business. Your goal with SEO is twofold: to help search engines find your pages and then recommend them for relevant searches and to enhance the user experience. Indeed, if you achieve these factors, you will bring people to your site in greater numbers.

1. Website Essentials — No website can possibly thrive without having several essentials in place. This includes a strong architecture, utilizing a thriving platform and a vigorous content management system to present what you have and imbue sophistication. A robust web server and a capable hosting company will ensure that your site loads fast and that downtime is negligible. Finally, the quality of your content is peerless: it is something people can construe, share and take some kind of action.

2. Search Engine Parameters —There are several Items that search engines, especially Google, want when people come to your pages. Your content should be original, well written using proper grammar and free of spelling errors, descriptive, informative and helpful. For example, Google has the ability to review your pages without human intervention to determine if your content is accurate, informative and well written. Your pages should also load fast, be simple to navigate and be authoritative. Moreover, designate your outbound links wisely. At the same time, never purchase links, avoid cluttering your site with ads and do not overuse keywords.

3. Your Business Configuration — There is no “one size fits all” methodology for establishing a website — your goals and aspirations may be different from what a close competitor may offer. For instance, your competitor may desire that her site’s visitors initiate a purchase decision. On the other hand, you may be more interested in obtaining an email address or a phone number. Both methods can be successfully employed, but you need to have a clear call to action that enables users to follow through. Moreover, in the greater scheme of things, your website may play only one indispensable part in reaching your customers. Further, its importance should never be minimized, especially as we understand the search habits of our clientele notes Digital360.

4. Beyond Your Website — As important as your website is to your vocation, you cannot neglect ancillary mediums to reach people. Your offline conduits, including print advertising and broadcast media, should be enthusiastically tapped. Here, you will want to share your company’s web and email addresses in addition to your phone contact information. Email remains important, chiefly as a way to follow up. Furthermore, establish a dedicated email address for each of your campaigns to track responses. And social media is as important as it has ever been, with your customers using Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram as much as they are using the search engines.

5. Look Beyond Your Website — You already know the importance of using social media, email and broadcast media to reach people beyond your website. Definitely, you must also consider off-site tools that can be incorporated in your website too. Specifically, video is an amazing tool to reach people, especially if those videos are helpful, persuasive and concise. A platform such as YouTube is an excellent determinant for reaching customers, with those videos also warehoused on your website. Truly, you cannot underestimate the importance of using a video. And podcasts too. Furthermore, your site should be optimized for mobile phones and tablets too.

6. Determine Descriptors Wisely — Search engines have diminished the importance of meta keywords long ago, but some people desire to use them, discovering that they help keep themselves organized. If you do utilize them, then verify that they are formatted correctly and do not contain errors. Furthermore, title tags and sub tags should be unique and synoptic. For article titles restrict those to 70 characters. Website Optimization We have covered much material here, with all six points worthy of your careful scrutiny. Truly, optimization is not just a sum game, rather it is an ongoing process that is carefully implemented, monitored, scrutinized and regenerated on a constant basis.

Thus, it may also be something you won’t find time to do yourself, with you relying on a dedicated in-house team member, an outside professional source or both to advance your optimization utilization.

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