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New business reporting agency service for business announcements

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Sydney 12 May 2015. There are countless innovations very day in Australia where a business or an organisation invents something new. Whether it is a product, a service or a medical break through, the general public do not always hear about it. The lack of reporting on the activities of entrepreneurs and innovative business people, is not useful as the entrepreneurs do not get the acclaim and new customers they deserve.

Most entrepreneurs and business people are too busy running their business to get involved in article or blog writing. Change was needed and now, business and innovation reporting is a feature on

The reporters who put and together each day, offer a service to businesses and organisations to write articles, blog posts, social media posts and press releases about their exciting news that the public should be able to learn about.

That packaged news is then posted online or distributed to editors and journalists to seed news reports.

As a result of a business leader using a private reporting agency, the public will get to hear about new advances and products. In addition, the leaders get wide low cost exposure for the success.

It is a fact that major business reporting websites run by Fairfax and News Corp have cut back on local reporting. That void has been filled by private reporting businesses like

For a modest one off fee, business reporting agencies research, interview, write and prepare custom news reports ready for publishers. ( Including on site video production if requested )

Find out about custom new reporting at
Business Daily Media