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How Free Online Games Make a Profit

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Sydney 27 April 2015. Men and women of all ages enjoy playing online games, and some of the games that they play are even for free. This may seem crazy to a lot of people. How can these games be made and maintained for free online? Where do they make their money? If you play a game online for free, keep in mind that it is really not for free. No, you are not paying for the game yourself as a customer or player, but the company of the business is indeed making some sort of money out of the games.


Advertisements make them money


First of all, you probably already guessed this one. Sometimes, advertisements are seen on the side bars, bottoms or tops of the games you play. Or, for example if you play mobile games on your smart phone device or tablet device, sometimes, in between moves, you will see an advertisement appear over your full screen. The ad might be a short video that you watch or just a block screen ad. The money that the game maker receives from this advertisement type is considered revenue for them.


Small transactions also make money


Have you ever been playing one of your favorite online Mobile casino games only to have it ask you if you if would like to buy some extra gems or lives for some extra cash? Or you may have gotten a popup that asks you if you want to buy a version of the game that is free of advertisements? Generally speaking, if you act to buy these options on your online game, you don't have to pay very much. It might be less than a dollar, a dollar or just a few dollars. These are called micro transactions or small transactions that actually make the game runners a lot of money over time.

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