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Sports Trading Club Growth Rate and Success Shows no Sign of Slowing with 42% Profit for January

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LONDON, January 31, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --

The Sports Trading Club ( scorching growth and phenomenal success shows no signs of slowing.

The privately held sports trading club posted a 42 percent profit growth during the month of January.

The figures were disclosed Friday by Sports Trading Club Limited in London, which licences the Sports Trading Club worldwide.

The Sports Trading Club had set a breakneck pace for itself during the first year of operations in Australia, logging top-line growth of 1,900 percent.

Expectations have been building for months around the Sports Trading Club and its expansion into Asia, where it   forecasts that it  will earn some 680 million yuan ($110  million) this year.

The Sports Trading Club, which was predicted by many this time last year to be the rising star of 2013, put in the top performance in any industry, with a eighteen-fold rise in return, meaning a $50,000 investment on the 1stJanuary 2013 was worth over $900,000 one year later. A rise of over 1900 per cent.

With a 42% profit in January, that $50,000 investment has grown to over $1,506,000 and a profit of 2913%.

It's success in 2013 has sent a clear message to investors that trading on sports and prediction markets is an emerging industry to rival traditional financial markets.

"Our move to Australia has proven to be astute. A person who invested $50,000 on January 1 2013, some 13 months ago, has seen that grow to $1,506,000," said STC UK Communications Manager Patrick McMahon. "If you didn't see it, you wouldn't believe it, it has been nothing short of stunning."

"We  don't gamble, we trade, " Mr McMahon said.  "At   the Sports Trading Club we  make money out of other people's mistakes. When one side gambles, and the other trades, it is like owning the casino, you make money even whilst you sleep."

"This is an exciting emerging market and growing at an unprecedented rate, making it the fastest growing sector of e-commerce in the world today," he said.

Bank of America and Merrill Lynch predict that by 2015 the on-line sports market will be worth over $512 billion a year.  

STC recently expanded into South Africa and is now looking toward expanding throughout Europe and Asia. It also sees the emerging USA market as a potential gold mine.

In the USA, Nevada, New Jersey and Delaware are the only states that have so far legalized Internet gambling, but it is spreading throughout the USA and internationally. States began legalizing online betting after the U.S. Justice Department reversed its ban on Internet gambling in December 2011. California, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts and Texas were among the states have also  considered proposals related to online gambling.

Worldwide, online betting generates almost $30 billion of revenue a year, with Americans spending $4 billion, according to estimates from the American Gaming Association.

In New Jersey, Republican Gov. Chris Christie is hoping his state can collect $1.2 billion a year from legal online betting.

SOURCE Sports Trading Club Ltd

Business Daily Media