HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 19, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) today announced the appointment of Serena Georgia Bellew as director of the agency's Bureau for Historic Preservation.
Bellew will also hold the title of deputy state historic preservation officer, meeting the secretary of the interior's professional qualifications standards.
Beginning Dec. 2, Bellew will direct the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Office which coordinates state and federal historic preservation programs including the National Register of Historic Places, state and federal tax credits, and environmental review of state and federal projects for their impact on historic resources.
Other duties and responsibilities include planning, developing and implementing the state's Historic Preservation Plan and administering PHMC's grant programs and the popular state historical marker program.
"We are very fortunate to have recruited an individual with Serena's qualifications and experience," said James M. Vaughan, PHMC executive director. "We're eager for her to put her stamp on a far-reaching program that's not only important to PHMC and the commonwealth, but that has national implications as well."
Bellew will bring to the position more than 15 years of historic preservation experience with the federal government, in private practice, and with the Georgia Historic Preservation Office.
Prior to coming to the commission, Bellew served as the deputy federal preservation officer for the Department of Defense (DoD), a position she has held since April 2009. Her duties included the development of DoD-wide cultural resource policy and providing expert guidance to senior leadership on historic preservation laws, regulations and executive orders. She also worked with the military services to maintain a balance between military mission and responsible stewardship of the numerous cultural resources managed by DoD.
Bellew received a master's degree in heritage preservation from Georgia State University and a bachelor's degree in commercial art from the American College of London.
The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission is the state's official history agency. Visit PHMC online at www.phmc.state.pa.us.
Media contact: Howard Pollman, 717-705-8639
SOURCE Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
RELATED LINKShttp://www.phmc.state.pa.us
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