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The Golden Door Establishes Professional Advisory Team On Health To Guide Guests Along The Cluttered Path To A Healthy Lifestyle

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ESCONDIDO, Calif., Oct. 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The Golden Door, the famed destination spa, has established a Professional Advisory Team on Health (PATH) to curate the areas of nutrition, exercise physiology, longevity, skin health and stress management. These nationally-recognized advisors include luminaries of publishing, academics, television personalities and award-winning authors.


"We are establishing our first ever Advisory Team because of the critical importance of nutrition in the Body, Mind and Soul triumvirate," says Kathy Van Ness, Chief Operating Officer and General Manager of the Golden Door. "We are continuing Golden Door's tradition of innovation within the spa industry by assembling this unprecedented collection of experts. The combined knowledge of our high-caliber Team will provide our guests with the best possible nutritional guidance as well as advice on heart health, beauty, fitness and overall wellness."

Helping to coordinate the efforts of the prestigious Team will be the Golden Door's in-house nutritional expert, Susan Piergeorge, a registered dietitian and nutritionist with over two decades in nutrition counseling, health promotion, food industry and culinary experience. She possesses a Professional Culinary Certificate and is also the author of the book Boomer Be Well! Rebel Against Aging Through Food, Nutrition, and Lifestyle.

"The good news for our guests is that there is a wealth of information available regarding healthy eating – the bad news is that there is a wealth of information available regarding healthy eating," says Ms. Piergeorge. "The data, studies and opinions vary widely and create a confusing information overload. The goal of our Professional Advisory Team is to help boil down all the information, separating the wheat from the chaff, or given all the confusion about wheat itself, perhaps I should say 'separating the wheat from the wheat.'"

In addition to serving as an ongoing resource to the Golden Door, members will be making themselves available to Golden Door guests through special programming throughout the year. The PATH members are:

Joy Bauer MS, RD, CDN - Nutrition and health expert for NBC's TODAY show and monthly columnist for Woman's Day magazine.

Annette Shafer - Author, The Wine Sense Diet and owner of Nourish Napa Valley.

Alyse Levine MS, RD - Founder of Nutritionbite LLC, a top ranked nutrition consulting practice based in Los Angeles.

Len Kravitz, PhD - Program Coordinator of Exercise Science and Research at the University of New Mexico.

Kathie Davis - Co-founder and Executive Director of IDEA Health & Fitness Association.

David S Finn, MD - Medical Director of the Mass General Medical Group at the Massachusetts General Hospital.

Dr. Debra J. Rose, PhD - Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton, and Director of the Center for Successful Aging.

Dr. E. Lee Rice, DO, FAAFP, FAOASM - Founder & Chief Executive Officer of the Lifewellness Institute.

Dr. Judith Orloff, MD - Assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and author of the New York Times bestseller Emotional Freedom.

Dr. Rachelle Amini Robinson - Licensed Clinical Psychologist.

Dr. Tomer Anbar - Director of the Global Pain Institute and Founder and first Director of the Multidisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Program at Scripps Health.

Dr. Ava Shamban - Extreme Makeover dermatologist and Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the UCLA-Geffen School of Medicine.

Deborah Madison - American chef, cooking teacher and author of Vegetable Literacy.  

Dr. Judith Reichman - Attending physician in gynecology at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

SOURCE Golden Door Properties, LLC

Business Daily Media