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OKI Participates in APT/ITU Compliance and Interoperability (C I) Event Held in Thailand

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TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--OKI (TOKYO:6703) took part in the APT/ITU Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) event held in Thailand (Bangkok) for the four-day period from September 9 to 12, 2013. Hosted by Asia-Pacific Telecommunity ("APT" hereafter)and the International Telecommunication Union (”ITU" hereafter), the C&I event serves as a venue for showcasing products and technologies for evaluating their interoperability and compliance with international standards. OKI exhibited the OKI MediaServer at this event, an IPTV video distribution system designed to achieve compatibility with international ITU IPTV standards and currently attracting attention in emerging countries. OKI also exhibited its GE-PON optical access system, which is ideally suited to building FTTH for high-quality video distribution.

“The APT/ITU C&I event held in Thailand is expected to attract information communication supervisory agencies and telecommunications carriers from various countries in the Asia and Pacific region, where there is growing interest in broadband-supporting products meeting international standards”

Emerging countries are working feverishly to build broadband networks and to deploy applications that run over such networks to make up the ICT gap with respect to advanced nations. Installing network equipment that complies with international standards and ensures the interoperability of products from multiple vendors will make it possible to continue procuring equipment with the functionality required from a wide range of vendors. This, in turn, is expected to enhance expandability and help reduce the cost of operating and expanding systems many years into the future. Emerging countries are currently eyeing broadband-supporting products that meet international standards as they plan and build their telecommunications facilities.

“The APT/ITU C&I event held in Thailand is expected to attract information communication supervisory agencies and telecommunications carriers from various countries in the Asia and Pacific region, where there is growing interest in broadband-supporting products meeting international standards,” says Hidetoshi Saigou, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Info-telecom Systems Division at OKI. “As part of efforts to develop products to meet the needs of telecommunications carriers and service providers, OKI introduced the GE-PON system and OKI MediaServer, both designed to run applications over broadband networks. OKI has also been active in activities related to international telecommunications standards organizations and standardization bodies, including the ITU, APT, TTC, and 3GPP. OKI sees the APT/ITU C&I event as a key opportunity to promote products and advance efforts to establish standards.”

By exhibiting its products and technologies, OKI seeks to expand the range of functions available to respond to the needs of telecommunications carriers and service providers in the Asia and Pacific region. These efforts are also intended to spur standardization and promulgate valuable information, thereby expanding OKI’s communication equipment business and creating opportunities to promote its products to telecommunications carriers and service providers both in Japan and abroad.

About OKI Electric Industry (OKI)

Founded in 1881, OKI Electric Industry is Japan's leading telecommunications manufacturer in the Info-telecom field. Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, OKI provides top-quality products, technologies, and solutions to customers through its info-telecom systems and printer operations. Its various business divisions function synergistically to bring to market exciting new products and technologies that meet a wide range of customer needs in various sectors. Visit OKI's global website at


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