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Marconi Society Announces 2013 Young Scholar Award Winners

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MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Three outstanding young researchers have been named as the 2013 Marconi Society Paul Baran Young Scholars, recognizing their outstanding work in the field of communications and the Internet. They will be honored at the Marconi Society’s annual gala in Bologna, Italy, October 1st, where the Society also will present the 2014 Marconi Prize to cell phone pioneer Martin Cooper.

“Mr. Wang has demonstrated an exceptional academic quality and independence in research”

The winning researchers are Domaniç Lavery, a 4th year PhD student in the Optical Networks Group (ONG) at University College London (UCL); Ke Wang, a final-year PhD student with the National ICT Australia - Victoria Research Laboratory (N ICTA-VRL) and The University of Melbourne; and Salvatore Campione, a PhD Candidate at the University of California, Irvine.

Lavery graduated from Durham University with an Mphys degree. His research at University College London (UCL) has been in the area of Digital Coherent Transceivers for Passive Optical Networks, a relatively new field of study in optical communications that addresses the technical challenges of meeting the ever-growing demands for Internet bandwidth. His focus has been on how coherent detection techniques combined with novel DSP could make high capacity optical access networks a reality. Lavery is a recipient of the IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellowship Award and he has been invited to present a paper at OFC2014, the leading international conference in optical communications.

“Dom has demonstrated his potential through a series of quite brilliant experiments and ideas,” says Professor Polina Bayvel FREng, Head of the Optical Networks Group at UCL. “He has a true aptitude for research, is open minded and creative.He combines insight, will and ability to solve hard problems, in a practical way. Through a series of elegant and thought-through experiments, he has demonstrated the use of a coherent receiver for long-reach access networks at 10Gbit/s with the potential to dramatically increase the bandwidth, number of subscribers and distance. I have no doubt he will make highly significant contributions, becoming a leader in the optical communications field.”

Wang’s research involves optical-wireless technology for ultra-broadband in-building communications and reconfigurable optical interconnects. He recently extended his work to encompass subsystem integration on a Silicon Photonics platform. Over the past three years, he has been first author on over 40 publications in top journals and conferences. He is a graduate of Huazhong University of Science and Technology/HUST, Wuhan China, with a Bachelor of Science in Opto-Electronics.

“Mr. Wang has demonstrated an exceptional academic quality and independence in research,” says Professor Christina Lim, one of Wang’s research supervisors at the University of Melbourne. “He has an amazing capacity to understand and analyze complex optical theories and applies these theories in practical demonstration. In addition, he has developed excellent practical hands-on and strong experimental skills in the design, construct and development of optical subsystems and systems for his research work. There’s no doubt he will make significant research contributions in the years to come and will be a future leader in the field of optical communications.”

Campione, a double-degree graduate of Politecnico di Torino and the University of Illinois at Chicago, is collaborating with a number of researchers worldwide on applying electromagnetics to nanostructures, nanoantennas, plasmonics, metamaterials, and their characterization. The research has possible applications in such fields as medical diagnostics, solar cells, molecular sensors, imaging systems, generation of coherent light sources in the ultra violet, and next generation optoelectronic devices. Campione already has published more than 20 peer-reviewed journal articles, more than 40 conference articles, and two book chapters. He has been awarded scholarships in Optics and Photonics by SPIE, the IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellowship, the FGSA Travel Award for Excellence in Graduate Research by the American Physical Society (APS) and received the Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research, among other awards.

“Mr. Campione has asserted himself as a leader in the field of Optics, photonic crystals, nano-photonics and nano-plasmonics in particular,” says Michael Scalora, PhD, a research scientist at the U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Command Charles M Bowden Research Facility where Campione worked briefly in 2012 on a grant by the Army Research Office. “He has revealed himself to be an outstanding researcher, a problem solver, an innovator, with a strong background in electrical engineering and theoretical physics. While still a graduate student at UC Irvine, he has already made strong contributions in the advancement of our understanding of linear and nonlinear plasmonic nano-structures.”

“In selecting its Young Scholar recipients, the Marconi Society looks for those who not only have shown extraordinary early promise, but whose research already has been published and made an impact ,” says Robert Tkach, Chairman of the Young Scholar selection committee and a 2009 Marconi Prize Winner. “The 2013 winners exemplify these qualities.”

This is the sixth year that Young Scholars Awards have been granted by the Marconi Society, which is best known for its annual $100,000 Marconi Award and Fellowship given to living scientists whose scope of work and influence emulate the principle of “creativity in service to humanity."

The Young Scholar Awards winners are selected from nominations submitted by faculty members, department chairs, or managers with whom they have worked closely. The awards include a financial stipend and an invitation and travel funds to attend the annual Marconi Award Dinner, to be held this year in Bologna, Italy on October 1st. For more information, please visit

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