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String Automotive Launches Powerful Analytics Application For Car Dealers

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Dealer Positioning System Delivers Comprehensive Technology Solution for Data Optimization

NEWTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--String Automotive, revolutionizing online marketing for auto dealers, introduced today the Dealer Positioning System (DPS) to enable dealers to attract, convert and retain more car buyers by letting their data lead the way. The DPS puts the power of analytics into the hands of dealers by consolidating and interpreting numerous sources of data to develop a customized action plan for each rooftop.

“Your Best ‘BS’ Detector: What Your Data Says About the Health of Your Business”

String Automotive’s patent-pending Dealer Positioning System helps auto dealers navigate today’s dynamic market with the only vertically-integrated inbound marketing and analytics solution available. The DPS works seamlessly with a dealer’s existing systems to objectively make sense of internal and external data, delivering actionable insights and competitive intelligence to improve marketing effectiveness and bottom line results.

As the only certified Google Analytics partner in the automotive industry – and one of only 210 in the world – String is uniquely positioned to keep dealers on the cutting edge of performance optimization. Their DPS marries statistics from Google Analytics with data from the dealer’s own dealership management system and service vendors (including CallRevu, CallSource, Century Interactive and Contact At Once), then incorporates registration and demand data from industry leaders including Dataium to give dealers a full picture of their marketing funnel and sales performance compared to their competitors and local market.

“Dealers have been inundated, often abused with data for years. Now, with the explosion of Big Data in automotive, for many dealers it’s just “more data” and they simply don’t have time to be analysts,” stated Jason Ezell, president of Dataium. “The whole key to utilizing this data is quick, easy, and actionable interpretation of the data. String’s DPS has brought this capability to a new level that will change the way dealers “see” their business. We are proud and excited to be a small part of this launch.”

The DPS integrates with String’s other modules, including: inventory management, custom websites optimized for SEO, reputation management and strategic SEM. Each module can be used alone or in conjunction with others to deliver transparency, insight and innovation to every auto dealer, putting them in complete control of their online marketing programs.

Key Benefits of the DPS include:

  • Flexible, next-generation SaaS offering that integrates with multiple DMS and service vendors
  • Synthesizes and consolidates data into clear, concise real-time reports
  • Enables measurable ROI of digital spend
  • Intelligent, insightful and predictive analytics
  • Simple visual representation of data (with patent-pending visualization technology)
  • Creates and automates a customized daily action plan
  • Facilitates a strategic advantage by highlighting opportunities and competitive threats in a dealer’s local market

“Dealers are drowning in data, but it’s sitting in silos. Your typical dealer is trying to sell cars, not build spreadsheets. Dealers need a set of tools to do the heavy lifting for them to take their data, as well as intelligence about their local market, interpret it, and identify areas of opportunity so they can go back and act on that insight immediately,” says Ken Kolodziej, CEO and co-founder of String Automotive. “The DPS offers multiple, innovative ways to look at data, so whether you’re a dealer principal, general manager or e-commerce director, you’ll find the level of detail you need to understand at a glance what’s happening in the dealership and the local market today.”

"[The String DPS] is like a Swiss Army Knife, with several digital marketing tools in one. It provides a clear picture of the effectiveness of my marketing efforts, with actionable data I can use immediately,” says beta customer Paul Atkinson, internet sales director at Ehrlich Toyota of Greeley, Colorado.

Pricing and Availability

The DPS is available to dealerships immediately. New customers can sign up at AutoCon and receive a discounted show price of $695 per month (regular MSRP is $1,295).

Visit us at AutoCon

Visit String Automotive to see a live demo of the DPS at AutoCon at the Aria Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, September 4-6, 2013 booth #211. Ken Kolodziej, CEO and co-founder will be presenting “Your Best ‘BS’ Detector: What Your Data Says About the Health of Your Business” on Thursday, September 5th at 2:30pm. Stop by String Automotive’s Technology Showcase on Friday, September 6th at 9:30am.

About String Automotive

String Automotive, a leading provider of analytics and online marketing solutions, provides car dealers with step-by-step directions to driving more sales. String’s digital marketing platform helps auto dealers take control of their online presence and get their inventory in front of in-market customers. Founded in 2005 and based in Newton, MA, String demystifies merchandising by tying inventory management directly to online marketing efforts, arming dealers with the knowledge they need to set themselves apart from the competition, and providing transparent, actionable data to identify what’s working and what needs improvement. By holistically approaching inventory management, online presence and reputation, and search marketing and optimization through one integrated lens, String creates a feedback loop that drives sales and delivers business-altering insights for forward-thinking car dealers.

For more information or to request a free demo, please visit us at

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