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The First HKIS Best Development and Conservation Award 2020 is now Open for Application

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Surveying Excellence in Development and Conservation


HONG KONG, CHINA - Media OutReach - 16 January 2020 - The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors ("HKIS") is launching the first HKIS Best Development and Conservation Award 2020 ("BDCA"). This year's theme, "Surveying Excellence in Development and Conservation" addresses BDCA as a pioneering award that recognises exceptional achievements and excellence of construction projects related to both development and conservation.


Sr Winnie SHIU, President of the HKIS, said, "It is the first time ever for the HKIS to host an award in the name of the Institute, I am privileged to be the one bringing together the six divisions and paying tribute to the surveyors who have made substantial contributions in sustainable development and conservation."


Not only will the BDCA support the Sustainable Development Goals 2015 set by the United Nations, but also promotes the professional image of surveyors from the various divisions; recognises their untiring efforts contributed to development and conservation; and raises the public awareness of conservation in development projects.


The Award is designed to address the contribution of surveyors from various backgrounds throughout the development cycle, BDCA's five award categories are named after each stage: (1) Planning; (2) Pre-construction; (3) Construction; (4) Sales & Leasing; and (5) Post-occupation.


Sr Alexander Lam, HKIS BDCA 2020 Organising Committee Chairman, added, "The Award focuses on the use and application of surveying knowledge and/or professional expertise across the disciplines in the respective phases within the project development cycle, of which brought about economic, environmental and social sustainability."

Key Dates



16 January 2020

Award Briefing Session & Application Opens

29 April 2020

Application Closes

May 2020

Stage 1: First Screening

13 - 14 June 2020

Stage 2: Site Visit

19 June 2020

Finalists Announcement

3 - 4 July 2020

Stage 3: Finalists Presentation to Jury Panel


Award Categories and Eligibility

The Best Development and Conservation Award (BDCA) 2020 is open to all types of development projects, including residential, commercial, and "Government, Institution or Community" (GIC) projects.

Award Categories

Surveyor's Contribution


  • Project inception & project planning
  • Land administration input and activities
  • Town planning approvals, statutory approvals and engagement with local public bodies


  • Resources and financial arrangement
  • Design development
  • Procurement strategies and considerations


  • Innovation and technology adoption
  • Value and cost management
  • Logistical arrangement
  • Project management

Sales & Leasing

  • Marketing concept development
  • Sales and/or leasing strategies
  • Marketing Management


  • Innovation and technology adaptation
  • Value enhancement
  • Property/facility management
  • Cultural and environmental conservation

* Eligible projects should possess either Occupation Permits (OP or Phased OP), Acknowledgement letters on Form BA14 or Confirmation letter of Substantial Completion between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2019 (both dates inclusive) as stated in the submission requirements.


Award Types

Awards are available in 4 tiers, ranked at follow:

Award Type*


Best Development and Conservation Award(s)

Best Development and Conservation Award will be presented to project(s) with outstanding OVERALL quality that is (are) judged to be the BEST among all the Grand Award Winners.

Grand Awards

There will be a Grand Award Winner(s) for each award category. This is the highest recognition to projects at the category level.


There will be recognition of merit(s) for each award category.


There will be recognition of finalist(s) for each award category that has passed the first screening, site visits and that has been presented at the Finalist Presentation to Jury Panel#.

* BDCA 2020 Organising Committee reserves the right not to bestow an award if the Jury Panel deems that no nomination is worth receiving that particular award. The decision of the Jury Panel shall be final.

# Finalist qualification will be usurped if the project team is unable to present at the Finalist Presentation to Jury Panel.

Jury Panel Members

HKIS BDCA 2020 is supported by prominent figures in the industry and from the academic field as jurors:

Jury Panel Convenor

Sr Prof Bay WONG

Past President, The Hong Kong Institute of SurveyorsChairman, Project Management Committee, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors


Sr Hak CHAN, BBSPast President, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Former Deputy Director of Lands (Survey & Mapping), Lands Department, HKSARG Founding Board Member, Smart City Consortium

Sr Prof K W CHAUPast President, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Chair Professor, Department of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong

Mrs Sylvia LAM, JPDirector of Architectural Services, Architectural Services Department, HKSARG

Mr Raymond LEE, JPDirector of Planning, Planning Department, HKSARG

Mr Douglas SO Cheung Tak, JPChairman, Antiquities Advisory Board

Mr YU Tak-cheung, JPDirector of Buildings, Buildings Department, HKSARG

* Listed in alphabetical order by last name


Details on the award categories, the latest jury panel, and further information can be found at


Please download the high resolution photo HERE.


Photo Caption

1.     Sr Winnie SHIU, President of the HKIS (Middle), Sr Alexander Lam, HKIS BDCA 2020 Organising Committee Chairman (Left) and Sr Prof Bay WONG, Jury Panel Convenor (Right) explained the Award in details.


2.     President of the HKIS and the Award Jury Panel witnessed the official launch of the Award: (From right to left) Sr Prof Bay WONG, Sr Alexander Lam, Mrs Sylvia LAM, JP, Sr Winnie SHIU, Sr Hak CHAN, BBS, Mr YU Tak-cheung, JP and Mr Douglas SO Cheung Tak, JP


3.     "The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Best Development and Conservation Award 2020" briefing session drew over 40 participants to attend, including developers, construction professionals, surveyors and the media.

About HKIS

Established in 1984, The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) is the only surveying professional body incorporated by ordinance in Hong Kong.  As of 13 January 2020, the number of members reached 11,005, of which 7,060 were corporate members, 75 were associate members and 3,870 were probationers and students.


HKIS work includes setting standards for professional services and performance, establishing codes of ethics, determining requirements for admission as professional surveyors, and encouraging members to upgrade skills through continuing professional development.


HKIS has an important consultative role in government policy making and on issues affecting the profession. We have advised the government on issues such as unauthorized building works, building safety campaign, problems of property management, town planning and development strategies, construction quality and housing problems. We are working on amendments to standard forms of building contract and have issued guidance notes on floor area measurement methods.


HKIS has an established presence in the international arenas, has a wide spectrum of  overseas connections, and have entered into reciprocal agreements with professional surveying and valuation institutes in the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and People's Republic of China recognizing the counterpart's member's qualifications. In addition, HKIS is a member of various leading international surveying organisations.

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