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The PR Uses of Vine

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Have you seen those short little repeating videos all over the web lately? Those are from the Twitter developed “Vine” service and it’s currently the rage. While it was only on Apple products for a while, Android users recently got the ability to create Vine videos, meaning you should see more than ever. 

image As expected, companies have started to notice Vine and figure out how they can take advantage of it. Like Twitter, the beauty of the service is the limitations of it, and figuring out how to squeeze your message into six seconds can bring about some amazing results.

Quick Overview 

Vine uses the camera on your phone to take either still frames or videos of whatever you want. If you want to record a six second video of your coworkers doing the “Harlem Shake” (note: don’t do this) you just load the app and hold your finger on the screen while aiming. Alternatively, if you want to make an elaborate stop motion video that shows how much you care about your customers, just tap away.

Vine is rather new, only released in January of 2013, so the full effects of the app haven’t been felt yet. However, a quick glance around your favorite websites will reveal a handful of uploaded micro-videos, showing Vine’s popularity.

Why You Should Be Interested 

So is this just a silly new fad that will quickly fade away? Cute and interesting services like this pop up all the time, why should you care?

Besides the fact every PR Pro should be up to date on all new technology just in case it takes off, there are several reasons why you should care about Vine. One of the first is you’re already behind – several companies have started to explore how Vine could help their PR efforts. I just checked the app and on the front page with over 20,000 likes is a video of runway models showing off new clothes for a company.

Think of it like Pinterest – not everyone could tell how that would play out, but some companies gave it a shot anyway. That paid off rather well as businesses could feature products and other aspects of their company in a format where the public could interact with them instantly.

Moving Images 

Here’s the thing about video: it’s the most expressive art form we have. You can say more in a two frame video than any picture could say. Words are great for expression but you’d have to spend paragraphs to describe everything you can show on video. However, uploading something to YouTube or whatever is time consuming, especially if you want to just convey a quick point.

So for public relations purposes, anything you want to get across quickly and succinctly is perfect. For example, instead of replying to Facebook posts by typing out responses, answer them via a Vine micro-video and post it. This way you can make the answer fun and exciting instead of just a static message. This also may increase the chances of people seeing it so they don’t ask the same question.

Another way of using Vine for PR is to give the public an “inside scoop” on your business. People like to see how the inner workings gel at their favorite companies and a picture can only do so much. A short little video reveals a living, breathing environment they can hold on to when they come back with a problem later.


There are a ton of ways like this you can utilize this exciting new technology. If you have an iPhone or Android smartphone grab it and start recording something fun and interesting!

Do you regularly use video for PR purposes? If not, do you think Vine’s low barrier to entry will be where you start?

This article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (, the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Grab your free 160-page copy of the Big Press Release Book – Press Releases for Every Occasion and Industry here:

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