What’s the most important aspect of a media kit? Is it eye-catching images? Fact-filled data sheets? Spot-on statistics? While all these things are important, the most vital thing you should put into your media kit is your personality.
That’s because a media kit isn’t just to convey information and show numbers. It’s to convince the potential business partner, colleague, journalist, or whoever else you’re sending it to that you’re amazing and not like any other business on the planet. A great media kit can do that, but only if you put your best foot forward.
Starting Out
Of course you do need lots of great, relevant, and truthful information to show you know what you’re doing. After all, you’re going to have a hard time convincing anyone you’re the best option if you don’t show your experience or your expertise.
So start out by gathering all the materials you can. Obviously this depends not only on what you’re trying to sell, but to whom. Are you trying to convince a major website to review your products? Then start with lots of pictures, specs and even a case study to convey just how great your product is. Deemphasize the fact sheet, CEO biography and recent press releases. On the other hand, if you want to convince a potential partner you’re worth the time? Stats, figures, and recent good news should be front and center.
Your Personality
After you’re assembled relevant information, it’s time to let your company’s personality shine through. Keep in mind the journalist, reviewer, partner, etc. aren’t linking up with facts and figures, they’re linking up with real live human beings. If you come off as bland and dry, you’re not likely to attract the kind of attention you want.
Also remember that this isn’t a press release with a strict form, specific number of paragraphs, and a limited amount of pages. Media kits can be as dynamic and amazing as you can imagine, with no limits on your imagination.
Since media kits are online these days, this also means you can take full advantage of everything the Internet offers. One great idea is to host your media kit on a website, either on a separate page on your own or a totally new one. Just make sure your media kit is easily searchable and makes sense to readers. If you have many targets, you might want to include links like “For Journalists” and “For Partners.”
K. I. S. S.
Media kits are used to showcase your company’s greatest features. However, many make the mistake of including too much information. Remember, you’re trying to hit the highlights for a journalist who wants to write about you or a potential partner who wants more details about your company. If they want to know every last detail about you – which is the ultimate goal – they’ll give you a call or send you an email. So keep your media kit to the point.
What’s the best media kit you’ve ever seen?
Tags: case study, ceo biography, hard time, imagination, press release, press releasesThis article is written by Mickie Kennedy, founder of eReleases (http://www.ereleases.com), the online leader in affordable press release distribution. Download your free copy of 7 Cheap PR Tactics for Success in Any Economy here: http://www.ereleases.com/7cheaptactics.html
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