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Excel Data Analysis - Now an quot;Un-Daunting quot; Task Because of Online Mapping

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    NAPERVILLE, IL, October 17, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Who said data analysis is a daunting task? Not for companies that use the expert mapping solutions of For many years, provided timely solutions to make data analysis anything but daunting. Year after year, it continuously provide exceptional features to bring a rewarding experience to users to create a map. From a simple method of copy-and-paste of Excel data of address locations to, users are able to view their maps in less than 3 minutes. A more satisfying result is that they get to understand their data in half the time. provides thousands of companies from all over the world to experience data analysis minus the headaches and sleepless nights. By using, they are able to do many things to simplify their data. has easy-to-use features that deliver instant results. Even people who are not accustomed to mapping found out that to create a map needs only a little effort. What is even better is that they get to understand their Excel data more as they plot data sets. That is one of the many reasons why Tom Haydon, a successful business owner who runs his own consulting firm relied to as one of his top aplications. He said, "You folks have a great piece of software here. I was able to create a useful map within a few minutes of opening an account."

Create a Map of Excel Data Minus the "Daunting" Experience

Aside from being easy to is easy to use, one of the many reasons why more and more companies prefer this tool. From the simple task of creating maps, users are able to experience rich rewards from mapping:

Affordable Standard users can create a map for free. They can copy their Excel data and paste them to After less than 3 minutes they can view their data and can easily understand the stories behind it. Instead of hiring GIS experts or investing in expensive map software programs, they can create a map from Excel data for free. Plus version subscribers can take advantage of advanced mapping features for only $20 a month or $220 a year.

Intensify reports and presentations

With's easy-to-use mapping features, people no longer need to undergo sleepless nights and thumping headaches just to have reports done and presentations perfected. Since maps can be viewed in 3 minutes or less, reports based on Excel data can be done in half the time. Maps can be customized for better and more attractive presentations.

Improved analysis offers a wide selection of territory sets for map building. These territories are usually used for heatmapping for improved analysis. include US Counties and Zip Codes boundaries for all US States. Other territory sets available are Germany States, Mexico States, U.K. Countries, and many others.

With's online mapping, companies can look forward to a "daunting-less' experience of Excel data analysis of address locations. develops tools to transform analysis into a visual experience. It's mapping technology is one of the most powerful ways to visualize data from Excel spreadsheets to optimize logistics, enhance market planning, identify growth opportunities, or mitigate market risks. leads in data simplification and presentation and is committed to delivering the tools businesses need to outpace competition.

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