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Marnie Zahn-Resnick Reveals Strategies for Starting a Successful Business

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    PHILADELPHIA, PA, September 06, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Baking was a long-time passion of Marnie Zahn-Resnick and her mother, so they decided to take their passion to the next level and turn it into a business. Creating a business takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but having it turn into a successful endeavor can prove very rewarding. A recent article on Daily Venus Diva reveals some helpful strategies for people who are thinking of becoming entrepreneurs. Marnie Zahn-Resnick offers her own insight into the matter.

Deciding to start a business is a large undertaking. It comes with a lot of planning, decision-making, and hard work. Many people have great ideas, but not everyone tries to turn them into a successful operation. It is important when starting a business for the person to focus on what they are good at. They should consider what their areas of expertise are and where their strengths lie. Some people choose to open franchise of a business that already exists, while others start something new and innovative.

Before pursing an idea a person should look at the market that exists. Look at companies that offer similar products or services and see how well they are performing. Find an area of the industry that is not already filled where services or products are needed. Or, think about how they can improve upon a current area. Studying successful businesses and finding out how they began and grew their company can help. What have they done that works?

Budding entrepreneurs should put their ideas down in writing. Start to craft a business plan that outlines the details of the company. Write down what the product or service is, why it needed, where funding will come from, how to sell and promote it and other key elements. This will allow the person to see where any areas of weakness are and where they need to do more research and planning.

Making connections is valuable. People should look to expand their network and utilize available resources. Consider who they know and how they can benefit from this person's help or advice. Networking is a great way to seek advice from people throughout the industry or the business world in general. They can provide helpful suggestions and guidance as the person continues to plan their startup. After all, other entrepreneurs have already gone through the process and learned valuable lessons along the way.

Marketing is a key part of making a business successful. A person should consider how they are going to promote and sell their product or services to others. How will they build a client base and make others aware of what they have to offer? Social media can play a valuable role when utilized correctly. Constantly evaluating progress and adjusting ideas is essential in moving toward becoming more successful. Analyze what is not working and ways to improve.

"There is a lot that goes into starting a business," says Marnie Zahn-Resnick. "Having a solid idea and knowing how you are going to support it and make it grow helps. Don't be afraid to ask others for help or seek out their knowledge. You are sure to run into challenges along the way but use them as learning experiences and don't give up. Commit yourself to proving that your idea is a worthwhile investment and necessary part of the community." Marnie Zahn-Resnick has achieved much success by following her dreams.


Marnie Zahn-Resnick is an experienced baker, entrepreneur, and businesswoman. She and her mother founded Annie Pies Bakery in 1991 and it was later renamed Annie's Euro Bakery. After working hard to make the company a success, she moved into the role of executive vice president, overseeing operations. Eventually she sold the company to David's Cookies but continued to stay involved. She currently serves as Florida territory manager and works with sales representatives to promote products and meet client needs.

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