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Global Information Network Offers Tips for Team Productivity

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    PHILADELPHIA, PA, August 30, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Global Information Network is committed to helping others succeed. Their successful training programs have produced many fruitful clients who have used their knowledge to promote efficient workplace habits. One of the most important factors of the workplace is upholding great teamwork. An efficient team in the workplace can determine the success of a company.

An article in Business2Community has compiled several tips to help make teams more productive. Entrepreneurs who have built successful companies have provided their insight to compile this list of effective practices. They understand the meaning behind teamwork and how to encourage it in the workplace.

The first tip is to treat employees like people. Some companies make the mistake of treating their employees as if they are assets or liabilities. However, it is important to remember that each employee is an individual who benefits the business. Higher management officials should consider each employee as a crucial component to the company. They deserve compassion and understanding for their individual goals and needs.

Global Information Network wants to enforce the notion that not everybody is perfect. Mistakes are normal and they should not be a determinant for someone's success. Companies should realize that teams can hit snags along the way. However, a successful team quickly recuperates and prevents these small bumps from turning into large-scale disasters.

This leads into the next tip, which is redefining failure. Teams should understand that not everything will go to plan. Sometimes, the best course of action is to take a different route. Changing a routine does not constitute failure. It is only considered failing when the team gives up. Companies should motivate their teams to keep pushing forward, despite any hardships or setbacks.

Idle time should be utilized properly. Productivity stems from using time wisely and efficiently. The most successful businesses in the world achieved success by always staying busy. Teams should be encouraged to pursue other tasks during downtime. There should never be a moment when the team becomes bored.

Companies should map out a routine for their teams to follow. This helps them focus on the task at hand and work towards a common goal. Life is unpredictable and it is not uncommon for something unexpected to come up, like a meeting or conference. Productive teams keep detailed itineraries that they try to stick to at all times. If something else comes up, they work around it and try to pull themselves back on course. Focus is the key to productivity.

A Global Information Network associate states, "Focus is the number one asset that teams can bring to the game. In an age of 'pluralists' & 'multi-tasking', the people and teams with an ability to get the job done stand out as valuable commodities in today's marketplace. Rather than encouraging a paperless environment, what someone achieves in response to every day tasks and challenges is far more important than whether they do it with pen and paper or digital technology."

Global Information Network encourages companies to utilize these practices in order to build an effective team.


Global Information Network is an organization dedicated to helping their members succeed in the workplace. They provide over 4,000 hours worth of training in various aspects like business, administrative work, and workplace etiquette. Members are encouraged to network with one another and build lasting relationships that will benefit them in the future. Global Information Network promotes community and networking through a variety of activities such as a cruise ship weekend and a European Leadership Conference. Membership is open to the public and includes members from all over the world in 150 countries.

Business Daily Media