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Insightera Takes B2B targeting and personalization to the next level with big data predictive analytics to power real-time content recommendation

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SAN MATEO, Calif., Sept. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- With the release of its Real-time Content Recommendation Engine, Insightera takes its real-time B2B targeting and personalization platform to the next level. Leveraging big data, machine learning and predictive analytics Insightera automatically displays the most relevant content to targeted high-yield prospects in real-time.


The recommendation engine implements Hybrid Collaborative Filtering algorithms to discover visitors that share digital behavior patterns, content preferences, CRM data and firmographics (location, industries, size and revenue). It then predicts which content would perform best per visitor and channel (website, social, ad networks).

Insightera's content recommendation engine advances B2B prospects in their decision making process and improves content ROI. It creates a personalized customer journey removing the need for marketers to manually create campaigns. The personalized content can populate existing site zones on any CMS or use a customer-branded onsite recommendation widget.

"This is a big step for the real-time targeting and personalization space, " says Mickey Alon, CEO and co-founder of Insightera. "Marketers can now leverage big data and machine learning combined with real-time technology to proactively optimize their major budget allocations in their website, content, social media, and ad networks."

"We all know that content is king, but only if the right people read it. Our new recommendation engine assures the most relevant, most converting content is in front of the right prospects," shared Insightera's co-founder and VP of Business Development, Mike Telem. "Marketers are making significant efforts to drive relevant traffic to their sites and to create appropriate content. Now these two tracks alignand the best thing is that its fully automated."

About InsighteraInsightera is the first learning B2B targeting and personalization platform. Insightera helps marketers capitalize on their existing assets by personalizing onsite, social and ad network experience based on real-time discovery of prospects' industry, organization, location and digital journey. By using machine-learning algorithms, Insightera continuously improves ROI, Auto-Tunes campaigns and adjusts content accordingly for both known and anonymous prospects. Insightera's software works with any CMS, using any content and requires zero IT. Insightera was founded in 2009 and is headquartered out of San Mateo,

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