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A growing number of Australians enjoy taking a break and drinking a cup of coffee in a comfortable setting each day.

There are more cafes in Australia than ever before. In January this year, IbisWorld research released figures that show that coffee is more than just a drink. It is a way of life for vast numbers of people in all walks of life and locations in Australia.

A report released in January 2016 reported that "The Cafes and Coffee Shops industry has grown strongly over the past five years, owing much of its success to Australia's love for quality coffee and vibrant coffee culture." The growth in the hospitality industry has seen the renovation of older buildings in spectacular waterfront and street locations as they are turned into cafes and restaurants by highly skilled interior designers, carpenters and commercial cabinet makers. All cafe's are not equal. People look for an experience when they make a decision to find the most attractive and functional cafe where they can enjoy their coffee or tea or smoothie. The location is possibly as important as the drink itself. These days, the art of making a coffee for a customer is a widely held skill. Barista education has skyrocketed as more and more cafes are built around Australia. Therefore, business people who are looking for more customers for the outlets that they own should look to finding a construction and retail industry professional such as TU Projects assist them in upgrading their cafe or restaurant fit out.

The reports and statistics do not reveal the reasons why people pick a location to drink coffee alone or with family or friends. It is not just about the quality of the bean, the coffee roasting style or the presentation of the cappuccino or latte. A cafe simply put is; a small restaurant where you can get simple meals and drinks (such as coffee).

The experience for the customer is highly important. It is essential for cafe designers to create commercial spaces where people feel comfortable and proud to be with their friends or workmates for a catch up. 

Commercial hospitality space design is a specialist profession and the trend has been for owners to collaborate with hospitality industry leaders to see a project through from concept to completion. Finding the right people to create or renovate a cafe is the starting point. Creating an exciting space is not something that small business operators should do alone. A lot of knowledge and experience is needed to add value to a retail space by turning an empty shop into a cafe that includes atmosphere, a theme, functionality, privacy, first class fittings, high quality fixtures and comfortable seating.  By choosing industry professionals, proprietors can start with a stunning retail space that compliments the quality of the coffee, tea or meal.

The catering industry trend is for entrepreneurs to look for prime locations for restaurants, shops and cafes and then to take steps to offering their potential customers first class surroundings. Nothing less than the best fit out in a high traffic location will do, as competition in the hospitality industry is fierce.

The Ibis World report went on to say " Industry revenue is expected to grow by an annualised 7.4% over the five years through 2015-16, boosted by a large spike in 2013-14 caused by rising consumer sentiment and growing incomes. This includes a forecast increase in revenue of 8.4% in 2015-16, to $5.3 billion. Despite this, competitive pressures have pushed profitability down slightly over the past five years."

A prime lesson for owners is to stay ahead of the pressure from competition and to maintain a foothold in the cafe and coffee shop industry. Owners and managers should look at upgrading their existing outlet. Similarly, those looking to start a business in the hospitality industry, they would be wise to talk to specialist retail and cafe interior design and construction specialist like TU Projects

Reference: Industry Analysis & Industry Trends

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