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Picking the Perfect Venue for a Business Event

When it comes to throwing a business event, the place where it is held is key. Whether the main event will be socialising or serious business, you need to ensure you’ve got a space that’s fit for purpose, so you’re all comfortable and can get on with business chatter. Here’s a guide to picking the perfect venue when you’re hosting a business event of any sort.

Pick a place that’ll do as much as possible for you

Yes, there are blank canvas venues out there where you can simply rent the room, but if you want your event to run smoothly, then it’s usually better to pick a place that’ll offer the whole package. Look out for places with function rooms. For example, 1 hat restaurants in Sydney can be excellent places to hold business events, as they can sort out the food, drinks and more, so you can focus on your workmates and clients.

Decide on the perfect location

The place where you host your day-to-day meetings might not be the best place to host a big event. For example, if you are looking to hire new talent for your firm, you may want to try some different cities, or areas such as university towns where there will be a lot of graduates.

Look out for locations that are:

  • * Close to major cities – host an event in the middle of nowhere, and fewer people are likely to attend

  • * Near public transport – show off your company’s green credentials by choosing a venue close to trains or the metro

  • * Close to other businesses in your industry

  • * Close to hotels – if you’re holding a big conference, lots of people will want to stay overnight. A choice of hotels will ensure your guests don’t have to spend a fortune on their business trip

Think about what would be a barrier to you attending an event, and look for venues that don’t have these issues. Lots of places that host business events are in convenient locations, so look for hotels and other venues that are specifically tailored to this.

See where other businesses host their events

You shouldn’t avoid the events of competitors. In fact, they can be a good way to get inspiration and see what needs to be done in your own business. Check the events and training finder to see what’s in your local area, and make sure you show your face so you can become known in your industry. Going to other events can help you scope out venues for your own stuff, without the cash risk.

Throwing a business event isn’t always easy, as people are sometimes reluctant to go, and don’t always show up in the right frame of mind. You have to set the tone for the day, ensuring you have the perfect venue, atmosphere, and everything you need to throw the perfect event. The more planning you do, the more likely you’ll pull it off on the day and get the most out of it, and the venue is the key to the best possible conference or networking event.

Business Daily Media