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How to Get the Best Prices for Fashion in Australia

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Statista says Australians spend an average of $320 annually on fashions and clothes, the highest globally. Despite Covid-19-induced price hikes in fashion products, the country remains one of the biggest spenders on fashion as of the last count – indicating Australians’ increasingly high interest in fashion and dresses.

However, amid the stats are intricacies such as overpriced products and consequent overspending on items. In other words, some have likely overspent, or perhaps their expenses failed to meet the intended quality as wished, prompting the need for strategic spending. Primarily, it is not only about the number of goods acquired but also the quality therein. If you’re frugal enough, you can outwit retailers with a couple of handful strategies. In this article, we’ll explain the top five tips to get the best women’s fashionat great priceswhen shopping in Australia. So let’s dive deep in!

Five Tips to Get the Best Prices for Fashion in Australia.

Time Your Purchases

Timing purchases typically means knowing when to buy certain products. For example, while some seasons have hikes in clothes prices, other seasons see a plunge in shoe prices. So, knowing what to buy and timing at an economically favourable period will help you save cost, ultimately making you get some products at a significant price reduction.

Make the Cost-Per-Wear Rule.

If you genuinely want the best value for your money, try the cost-per-wear trick – divide the clothes prices by the number of times you intend to wear the dress. This will help you calculate the ultimate value by estimating the number of times you will likely wear the clothing.

The more you wear the dress, the more ROI you incur from your purchase. In the case of Australian women’s clothing, you can use the cost-per-wear trick to help you get the best value for your money.

Consider Buying from Wholesalers

It is undeniable that retail prices are usually more expensive than wholesale prices for straightforward reasons. Wholesalers buy directly from manufacturers, and retailers, intermediate middlemen, purchase products from wholesalers.

Essentially, this means retailers, in an attempt to incur overlapping profit from goods, place higher prices on products. So, for example, a random product that costs $50 can be sold for $65 at a retailer’s price.

In addition, buying at wholesale means, you’re most likely to buy in bulk, thereby undercutting impulsive attempts at buying out of desperation as you’ll take time to plan what you want to buy strategically.

Buy During Flash Sales.

It is common for virtual and physical clothing or fashion stores to incentivize buyers with promotional strategies such as limited-time offer programs like Black Friday or a discount sales week. During this period, prices of products are significantly reduced, which means you can get the best prices for clothes and other fashion materials at whopping discounts.

But you still need to be a tad cautious. Brands often use this to trigger impulse purchases from buyers, knowing full well that the prices will inevitably enthuse them. As such, you must precisely know what you want to buy and even set a spending limit if necessary.

Use Coupon Codes.

When shopping online, use coupon codes to get access to discounts and sometimes free products. Sites like come in handy as it helps you search for coupons before making a purchase. In addition, honey, a browser extension, can help track coupon codes before making a purchase.


Both virtual and physical shopping in Australia requires some bits of preparation when deciding to make a purchase. For example, there are women’s clothing online and fashion stores with overpriced products and low quality.

Unfortunately, many people still fall into the vicious cycle of buying expensive products with reduced efficiency. However, you can easily avert this by following the tips mentioned above to get the best prices for women’s clothing in Australia.

Business Daily Media