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As November approaches, one of the events you have in mind is the race that stops a nation. This day, which is officially known as the Melbourne Cup Day, is celebrated every first Tuesday of November. Melbourne Cup 2020 will be held on November 3 in most places. The day is a public holiday, most businesses and official premises such as schools, among others, are closed. For this reason, based on the nature of your job or your schedule, you are probably free on this day. Additionally, your family or close friends also have a day free. How do you ensure that you enjoy this day celebrating the race that stops a nation? Read on for more information and ideas on how to make the best out of this day.

Get The Right Accommodation

The place where you are staying when the race happens determines whether or not you enjoy the game. Perfectly enjoy Melbourne in November by getting the perfect spot to watch the game. For instance, it is perfect for celebrating the day as you enjoy the perfect lunch and beverages that lighten up your mood. Additionally, ensure that you set an atmosphere that puts you in the perfect mood. Since this is a day to relax, eliminate all stressing factors, and let this be the day for you to have fun.

Enjoy It with Your Friends

A game is fun when you enjoy it on your own. However, if there are friends or other fans around, the game's fun is highly multiplied. The same principle applies on the day of the race that stops a nation. Since this is an interesting race, it is enjoyable even when you are on your own. However, if you have other funs of the race around, you will likely have better and more exciting memories. Therefore, since most people are on a break today, get several people who enjoy the race and spend the day with them to maximize your experience.

Be Updated

The Melbourne Cup Day has been around and celebrated as a public holiday since 1861. For this reason, there is a long history of how the game became what it is right now. If you are not familiar with what has been going on in the game before, take time and learn its history. Understand what goes on in the game and why this is a race that stops the nation. Identify the competitors and what the competitors are striving to achieve, not to mention the expected dress code. When you have such information that you can get from the Melbourne Cup form guide, you have a better idea of what is going on in it, allowing you to have even more fun.

Have Your Race

On this day, the nation stops to watch the race either on television or live. This leaves the streets in Australia free and with little or no traffic. This creates a perfect opportunity for you to start your race on these streets. You can go for this option, especially if you are not fun on the activities taking place on the Melbourne Cup Day.


The horse racing day is one of the most exciting holidays of the year. Since this day is a public holiday, you can have fun whether you enjoy horse riding. Make the best out of this day with the help of the information mentioned above.

About the Author

Patrick Watt is a content writer, writing in several areas, primarily in business growth, value creation, M&A, and finance. His other interests also include content marketing and self-development. Say hi to Patrick on Twitter @patrickwattpat.

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