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12 Fashion and Beauty Regimes That Can Revive Your Looks

Good looks top the wish-list of almost any woman out there. Beauty is a charm and a lovely face just makes our day. We all are blessed with our own unique beauty appeal and our task is to explore and maintain it at its best. However, a nice face is not just about make-up; in fact you have to follow a healthy beauty and fashion regimen to light up your glow.

1. Don’t skimp on sleep

You have to get minimum 7 hours of sleep every night. Lack of sleep for extended period would invariably translate to puffy eyes, dark circles and those unwanted wrinkles. One of the major causes behind premature aging is less sleep.

2. Keep yourself hydrated

One of the main secrets behind glowing complexion is a well hydrated body. You have to drink at least 2 ltr of water everyday. Make sure to start your day with 2 glasses of water every day.

3. Follow 3- minutes of exercise

Nothing is duller than an unfit system. Good looks is not just about beautiful eye makeup or gorgeous lips. It’s mostly about a healthy glow from within. You cannot expect such a ravishing glow if you are not fit enough. Thus, follow a regular exerciser regiment everyday, for 30 minutes at least. Workout improves blood circulation in the whole body and brings back the lush glow on your cheeks.

4. Eat healthy

If you want to revive your looks you have to immediately cut down on your junk stuff and fat food. A cheesy pizza slice on the weekends is cool but you must stick to veggies, fruits and low-oil foods for the other days. You must cut down on artificial sweeteners and beverages as well.

5. Moisturize daily

Moisturization is not just for the chilled months. You should continue with it in the other seasons, maybe less frequently than what you do in the winters.

6. Wash your face every night

No matter how tired you are, make sure to wash your face every night before you retire to bed. And use lukewarm water. Do not ever use hot water on your face as it will strip out all the essential oils from your skin.

7. Shop beauty products from a trusted store

You must be very careful while shopping cosmetics as they would be in direct touch with your skin. Experts always advise to go for a trusted beauty shop that promise 100 percent safe and secure products.

Your chosen store should boast a strong reputation in the market and must be backed by a long range of happy customers. To achieve glowing eyes, treat yourself with Paris lash Academy.

8. Remove your makeup every night

This is another very important tip to mind when it comes to a healthy beauty regimen. You should remove your make up every night before going to bed. Prolonged presence of makeup on skin will do more harm than good. Use something gentle to remove the makeup. If you don’t have a make-up removal agent, use olive oil or coconut oil or baby oil.

9. Wash your hair every alternate day

One of the major reasons of hair fall is dirty unwashed hair. If you can’t wash your hair everyday, at least wash it every alternate day. Before you shampoo, make sure to get a hot oil massage for your scalp. Massage improves blood circulation and you will be rewarded with healthy glowing hair after you come out of the shower.

10. Don’t go blind with the trends

The fashion scene is an evolving world where new trends are coming in and going out after every 6 months. But before you shop the trends, ask yourself this one question- Does it suit me? If not, don’t buy. Not every fashion trend is suitable for all body types. No matter how amazing your features are, you cannot attain that gorgeous look if you don’t dress as per your body type.  

11. Keep the closet organized

An organized closet ensures a proper view of your entire wardrobe at a glance. It makes it easier to find the dress that you want in just no time. A piled up cluttered wardrobe only wastes your time and makes it harder to find your desired outfit quickly.

12. Follow comfortable fashion statement

Your fashion statement should not only be stylish but comfortable as well. You cannot ever look good in a stiletto if you can’t handle pointed heels. Don’t wear something that you are not comfortable with.
Finally, always think positive and keep smiling. Nothing is more glam than a happy face and fresh mind.
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