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Catch more fish with an underwater camera

Technology has come to the aid of sports fishing and commercial fishing enthusiasts. They can now buy a low cost colour underwater camera to actually look at the fish they want to catch.

Fishing radars were probably helpful to see schools of fish but the new colour screen underwater fishing camera can be lowered into the water on the end of a 20 metre long chord. Compete with white lights, the cameras can see in the dark and spot fish right where they live.

With sound and video recording, the underwater landscape can be saved for sharing or next time.

Another use for the technology is with tourism operators who use the cameras to show guests on charter boats what is going on below the boat.

Salvage operators can use the camera to inspect wrecks or find items lost overboard. I was once involved in recovering a 30 metre yacht that sank near Port Douglas. The camera would have been a great help back then to monitor what was going on.

Abalone divers can use the cameras to spot rich fish areas without suiting up and taking a look.

Back to fishing... whether it is for ocean, reef or river fishing, folks can use the camera to look for hiding spots where the best fish  ( or mudcrabs & crayfish  ) or can be found. Save time by looking for fish rather than guessing where cunning fish actually are.

There are probably opportunities for treasure hunters to use underwater fish spotting cameras too.

Check out deals on underwater cameras at Auzzie Shopping
Business Daily Media