The internet has increased the level of connectivity in our world. Among many other things, this has increased remote job opportunities. Someone in the United States can now work with someone in the United Kingdom quite easily.
This has also helped the rise of freelance writers. These writers are self-employed and work with various clients. Most have a certain niche or specialty that they work in. If you’re new to freelance writing, it’s important to know what options you have to make money. That’s exactly what we’re going to look at today.
1. Academic Writers
If one thing stands at any point, it’s that students will need academic aid. After all, classes can be hard and students have a lot on their plates. Someone could cater to this market by writing academically.
For instance, a freelance writer could work as an essay writer at EssayPro. This would entail helping students compose and edit papers for assignments. The writer would do the research and have a paper in the correct format back to them by the deadline they set.
2. Article Writing
There’s a big market for writing online articles. This can be done a couple of ways. The author could write articles for a variety of websites, for one. Alternatively, they could dedicate themselves to a single site.
A way to immediately raise what you earn as a freelance writer is to have a journalism degree. At the very least, having journalism skills is helpful. This will broaden horizons from online research articles to more in-depth, investigative pieces. This ability to go beyond the average standard will give you a leg up on the competition.
3. Social Media Content Writer
We live in an era where social media is king. Almost everyone has a profile on either Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Oftentimes, they have all these and more. As such, companies are jumping in on the trend - they have to.
This doesn’t mean that CEOs suddenly know how to use social media to its fullest extent. Instead, they often outsource this job to younger people who are more in-tune with how social media works. This is a unique job that isn’t devoted entirely to writing. Social media experts have to know how to use text and multimedia files to craft the perfect post.
4. Editing
One writing job you might want to consider is editing. This doesn’t require as much writing, but it’s definitely a job you need to be a good writer to have.
As an editor, it’s your job to is to look at the work of others and assess it. This can mean looking for technical errors - such as grammar - or compositional errors such as poor wording. If you want to amplify your earnings even further, you can take on both a writing and an editing job.
5. Ghostwriting Books
This job might take a little time to work up to but it can pay off big. The idea behind a ghostwriter is that the writer writes the book or contributes to it without any recognition. You would be the behind-the-scenes creator.
This isn’t a job for everyone. Some writers aren’t happy with the idea of their work being claimed as someone else’s. If you don’t mind the anonymity, though, these jobs can pull in significant paychecks.
When an individual is starting their career as a freelance writer, it’s essential to find their stride in the market. The best way to do this is to consider niches that might interest them and widdle down what they would be best at. If you find more than one interests you, though, don’t be afraid to diversify your brand.