To many parents the term competition is an undesirable word. Not only does it place immense pressure on children to perform at their best, they sometimes start arguing. Not only that, it can result in unnecessary stress for them, leaving them with feelings of disappointment and a sense that they are not measuring up. To protect kids from disappointment, a lot of well-meaning parents either make everybody a winner or they avoid competitive scenarios altogether. But is this the right approaches to take?
What Are The Benefits Of Healthy Competition Among Children?
Child development experts believe that some healthy competition among children can be a good thing. Apart from setting them up for winning or losing in later life, competitive playing can assist them with preparing for adulthood and developing essential skills that can benefit them throughout life, i.e., taking turns, being tenacious, and developing empathy.
Competition helps children to learn that one doesn’t always have to be the brightest or the best to gain success, but rather those that put the work in, and stick with a challenge, can also be successful.
Kids who engage in healthy competition learn crucial social skills by interacting with others while learning the meaning of working hard and gaining self-confidence as well as self-efficiency.
Healthy competition is a good setting for children to learn what it takes to be a team player. Numerous cooperative games teach kids to solve problems in a team setting and also teach them lifelong skills of working towards a common goal as a team.
How To Encourage Healthy Competition In Children?
The key to success is ensuring the milieu is promoting constructive competition. When they play competitive games such as Beyblade they cannot always pick up on or effectively communicate with you, therefore you must evaluate how they react in competitive situations.
When A Child Is Engrossed In Healthy Competition, They Might:
Ask you if they are allowed to participate in this activity again.
Be capable of winning or losing gracefully.
Learn fresh skills and have the desire to better themselves.
Enjoy enhanced self-esteem.
When A Child Is Engrossed In Unhealthy Competition, They Might:
Resist participating in the event.
Fake illness or completely avoid the activity.
Declare outright that they do not wish to participate.
Demonstrate signs of anxiety, loss of appetite, depression, difficulty sleeping – which are all red flags that necessitate further conversation.
The majority of competitive kids show signs of anxiety before a big game or test; however, they should not present signs of constant worrying to such an extent that it starts affecting their daily lives.
How Can Parents Encourage Healthy Competition?
It is never pleasant or easy for anyone to lose a game or prize. However, you as a parent have the means to teach your children that everyone cannot win every time. You can help them to feel positive about competition. It helps to outline accomplishment, not merely as winning an activity, but rather setting an objective for something that they have put their minds to accomplishing. Be there to support them through their losses and frequently reinforce the message that it is fine to lose sometimes if they have put in the effort and learned from the experience.
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