Most of us roll our eyes and groan inwardly when we hear the phrase ‘team-building event.’ We envision having to make awkward small talk for hours with Janet from accounting – who is perfectly nice, we just don’t have anything to say to her.
However, a team-building event done well can help your staff to improve their wellbeing and be happier and more productive in the workplace.
If you want to arrange a company event that will help your team to bond, it is important to choose an engaging activity that is interesting enough in itself that it does not matter if conversation hits a lull.
Read on to find out some of the most effective events for team building.
Board game tournament
This is a perfect event if you have a reasonably introverted workforce, or if you are running a little low on cash. Most of the people working for you will have at least one board game at home, so if they can bring them in that’s the entertainment covered for you, for free.
Secure a venue such as a restaurant or a conference center that can provide refreshments, rule number one of any event is keeping everyone fed and watered! Once you have your venue, within it you can set up a station for each of your board games.
You could even get serious and draw up a leaderboard.
Board games are a great way of promoting a little friendly competitiveness, while at the same time encouraging problem-solving and team building. Perfect.
A day at the races
If you fancy going out and about for your team building, you cannot go wrong with a day at the races.
Attending the races is a great opportunity for your team members to get dressed up, and bond as they debate horse racing odds and compete over their winning picks.
Be sure to organize a minibus so that everyone gets picked up and dropped off together and book a table somewhere for lunch so that you keep your team together.
Go-karting is a great activity for bringing out the playful side of your employees and encouraging them to compete with one another as they strive to be the best. It is an engaging activity and one that will give your team plenty to talk about in between races, so it is a perfect way to break the ice if you have people who are struggling to bond.
There are go-karting centers in almost every town and city so it is nice and easy to arrange, and you can extend your karting experience into a night out by arranging dinner or drinks afterwards.
Movie night
Movies are a way in which most people can bond! Arrange your movie night by taking a poll to choose a movie that everyone wants to watch - it is important that you do not choose something that will leave some people out.
Book a space or make use of someone’s house to host, and make sure there are plenty of snacks and comfortable seating. Bonus points if you can persuade people to turn up in themed costumes!