Thinking Outside the Boxe Announces its Annual Symposium and Champagne Summit

Australian Business
(PRLEAP.COM) Myrtle Beach, SC, Orlando, FL, Washington, DC December 11, 2013 - Thinking Outside the Boxe, an independent and nonpartisan think tank, is pleased to announce that it will hold its 9th annual symposium and Champagne Summit series in Orlando, Florida on December 26-31, 2013. Thinking Outside the Boxe's Annual Symposium provides an opportunity for political strategists and commentators, business leaders, economists, and individuals interested in nonpartisan examination of current events to gather for debate and roundtable discussions on economic conditions and the outlook, geopolitical events, domestic politics, foreign policy, business conditions and outlook, societal issues, among other topics. Guest speakers and panelists also participate in various questions and answer sessions throughout the symposium, taking questions from attendees or questions submitted via social media outlets or

Individual tickets for the symposium are limited, and those interested in attending are encouraged to reserve a spot early. Visit for more information and ticketing availability. The guest speaker list will be provided to attendees at a later date. For additional information, please contact Thinking Outside the Boxe.

To close the symposium, there will be a special Champagne Summit on New Year's Day to discuss the outlook for 2014, offer resolutions for America, and toast the future success and stability of the nation. This year's Champagne Summits are invitation-only events.

About Thinking Outside the Boxe-Thinking Outside the Boxe is a private, nonpartisan think tank that is dedicated to providing a wide variety of perspectives on issues that are of interest to the general public. The views that are expressed in Thinking Outside the Boxe's commentaries and research are often times uncommon, provocative, and controversial. Thinking Outside the Boxe's mission is to formulate and promote positions and to provide research, independently, that would otherwise be deprived of an outlet in the mainstream media. Thinking Outside the Boxe's commentators and researchers seek to broaden the parameters of public knowledge by addressing issues in such a fashion as to provoke thought and debate on some of the most pressing issues of our day.

Thinking Outside the Boxe's Champagne Summit series began as a side event to the annual symposium held in December each year. Increased interest in the Champagne Summits by participants and guests led Thinking Outside the Boxe to expand the Champagne Summits to one event per quarter in addition to the annual symposium. Thinking Outside the Boxe also began offering a limited number of individual tickets to the quarterly Champagne Summits.

Press Contact: Telephone: 866.666.1783Website: www.ThinkingOutsideTheBoxe.comTwitter: @ThinkOutOfBoxeFacebook: