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Few thongs affect the quality of life when living in a house like the air that you breathe. This is why many of us invest in scented candles, air freshers, and diffusers to make sure we are breathing in the best air possible. But candles and diffusers aside, one of the biggest factors that affect your home air quality is your air duct.

Air ducts are the mechanism through which air is filtered in and out of a home and as such, they are very important. Many homeowners choose to patronize businesses like Nifty Duct Cleaning to have their air ducts cleaned from time to time. But professional cleaners aside, there are a few things to know about air duct cleaning, some of which are as follows:

Dirty ducts can harbor mold: The reason you should have your air ducts cleaned is not just to make sure that you have breathable air but to protect your health as well. Dirty air ducts can act as a trap for dust and other particulars but if there is moisture present in the air, the ducts can act as a breeding ground for mold. If this mold is then left to fester then its spores might be released into the air. These spores can trigger allergic reactions in people and can be hazardous to the health of the occupants.

All components must be cleaned: When we talk about air duct cleaning, it is important to note that this does not refer to a singular part of the air duct but every single part. This s is because aid ducts are interconnected at all parts and if even one part of the duct is left uncleaned, the dirt there will inevitably spread to all other parts. This is particularly important as cleaning of air ducts is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process and a re-infection negates all that hard work.

Biocides are sometimes needed: In the case of bacteria or fungi growing within the air ducts, it might not be enough to simply clean it. Instead, biocides might need to be applied to not only kill the existing organisms but to sanitize the area so that no more might be able to grow in their place. However, the use of biocides in internally-installed air ducts is a complex and often debated topic and it is best to speak to a professional before allowing the use of such in your home.

The quality of your air ducts has a direct effect on the quality of the air that will be available in your home and thus, your ducts need to be cleaned. Before you go about cleaning your ducts, however, make sure to read the above tips.

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