Boral to provide additional Environmental Impact Statement information

Jeff Seeney

Glen Grono and Erin Edwards with Taj, 2, were shocked by quarry plan. Pic: Richard Gosling
Brisbane 9 August 2013. Queensland’s Coordinator-General has directed Boral to provide additional Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) information on its proposed new Gold Coast quarry.

Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney said the request had been made to obtain further information following submissions and advice received since the EIS was released for comment in late April.

“The consultation period ended in June with 258 submissions received including several form letters from 3,829 respondents and advice from the Federal Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population, and Communities,” Mr Seeney said.

“The Coordinator-General is now acting on these submissions to gather further information to ensure the environmental impact of the proposal is fully addressed.

“The government recognizes this is a controversial proposal and consideration of it must be extremely thorough.”

Coordinator-General Barry Broe said issues raised in the submissions included air and water quality, impacts on groundwater dependent ecosystems and fauna and transport impacts.

“I am now seeking further information from the proponent to produce a satisfactory EIS,” Mr Broe said.

The proposed quarry would be located on a 220 hectare site at Reedy Creek, Tallebudgera Valley and would supply the southern Gold Coast region with primarily high grade construction materials.

It would replace Boral’s existing quarry at West Burleigh which has a projected life of between six and nine years.

See Gold Coast Bulletin article