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Business Mentor
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In any established business, the day to day running of the business will be taken care of. But how efficient and productive are those processes? You will have a team of people with certain assigned tasks, but are they getting done? Is the work environment that you have created conducive to improving your business, but also the productivity and happiness of your colleagues? Here are some keys to building a united team in the workforce, that will in turn, help them to be more motivated, inspired, and happy.

Shared Goals

It is one team and one dream, right? When you all have a similar goal in mind, then it really can help you to achieve and have a much better feeling of unity. Do your team all know where the business is heading? How often do they get updated with results and know different things about the business? Of course, not everything can be shared. But when they understand processes and what they do and how it directly affects the business, it can have some great results.

Celebrate The Small Things

Coming to work is where the majority of us spend most of our time; your colleagues are often people that you see more of than your family! So being able to come to work and it feel like a family almost, can be a good way to create unity. One way you can do that is by celebrating the small things with your team. A win in the office, a birthday or anniversary, engagements or new babies; it is all good!

Create an Office Uniform

You could even create unity within your colleagues by getting some uniting office clothing. Not everyone will be for it, of course, but having the option there can be appealing for many. It takes the stress or judgement of your clothing choices out of the equation, so could be a welcome change for many. You can keep it simple too; it could be scarves or ties, as well as baseball caps from somewhere like Treloar office uniforms, for example. Sometimes having a ‘uniform’ can be a good way to unite people and help them to feel like they are part of a team. When they feel part of a team, then they feel untied.

Grow Together

A team that is able to grow together is going to produce an energy and buzz and get more done than a team that all want to work as individuals. Feedback can be a good way to help grow together, making sure that it is constructive, in order to really help those people develop their skills and abilities.


Investing in the education and career development of your colleagues is a good way to create loyalty to the business, but more than that, it can help to create unity. Even better if you can get a group of colleagues to work together to learn and achieve something new. They will be happier coming to work when they enjoy what they do and feel like they are part of it.

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