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Nearly half (46 per cent) of SMBs seek advice and expertise from other business owners, with nearly two-thirds of SMBs (61 per cent) feeling isolated.

Optus has launched Yes Business, a new interactive and collaborative online platform, which connects SMB owners and employees within a digital community to tackle common and tricky SMB issues.

The Yes Business platform, which is now live, was launched in response to customer feedback about not having access to information, ideas and tools to solve problems. Research undertaken by Optus1 of a selection of Optus SMB customers ahead of the launch also showed:

  • Nearly two-thirds (61 per cent) have felt isolated in their role.

  • More than one-third (35 per cent) have paid more than they wanted for an expert to solve a problem rather than trying to find out how to resolve it themselves.

  • A website designed for information and advice specifically for SMBs appealed to more than two-thirds (67 per cent) of respondents.

  • More than one-fifth (22 per cent) feel there is not enough information available to help them run a successful business.

The free-to–access platform includes articles and advice penned by experts in their fields, including professors and other business owners.

Matthew Ball, Head of Small and Medium Business at Optus said, “Optus’ Yes Business platform allows SMBs to connect to a digital community where they can seek a range of advice, tips and solutions within the one place.

“We know 46 per cent of SMB owners seek advice from other small business owners, yet, there are still feelings of frustration and isolation. Yes Business aims to alleviate these feelings by connecting SMBs with a like-minded and knowledgeable digital community,” said Mr Ball.

The research also looked at why SMB owners felt isolated, with respondents identifying reasons including:

  • Multiple things going wrong at the same time (34 per cent),

  • Lack of inspiration or motivation (24 per cent),

  • Not being able to ask for help (12 per cent) and

  • Not being able to share successes with others (12 per cent).

“We’re focused on continually improving our services to customers and it’s important to us that our customers can turn to us not only for communications advice and service, but for business. Listening to our customer base, we know SMBs want an easy-to-access online community for support, know-how and expert advice,” said Mr Ball.

The Yes Business launch is the latest in a series of innovations and new technologies unveiled by Optus SMB. Earlier in the year, Optus SMB announced Optus Loop, a cloud-based system that provides a hybrid mobile and fixed line telephony service which challenges the traditional PABX.

Optus has also increased its in-store SMB presence, nearly doubling the number of Optus Business Centres around Australia, including 126 retail stores with in-store business specialists, as well as a new dedicated SMB call centre team, premium on-boarding and fast lane business service support.

The Optus network handles over 45 million calls and 80 million SMS messages each day and carries 6,000 terabytes of data each week. Optus is continuing to expand and strengthen our network to deliver improved data and voice services, announcing a $1 billion investment in regional locations by the end of June 2018.

Visit Yes Business at

1 Survey was conducted by Optus and surveyed 82 Optus SMB customers.

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