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When you work long hours and every day involves pressure of some kind, it can be difficult to stay on top of stress. Stress is part and parcel of modern life, and many of us thrive on the adrenaline of closing a deal last minute or working to the wire, but it is possible for stress to get out of hand. Prolonged periods of stress can result in an elevated risk of physical and mental health problems, and often, using self-help techniques can be hugely beneficial. One of the best things you can do to beat business stress is devote a little time to your hobbies. Here are some of the best activities for busy entrepreneurs.


Fishing is a great choice for people who spend most of their time running around like headless chickens. Being close to water is proven to lower anxiety levels, and fishing is a sport you can enjoy on your own or with others.

There’s something incredibly relaxing about sitting by the water’s edge and waiting to land the catch of the day. You can escape the hustle and bustle of the city, soak up the peace and tranquillity and forget about everything that is stressing you out for an afternoon. Fishing is often regarded as a stress-busting activity, but you don’t have to take a friend or colleague’s word for it. Studies show that fishing can reduce anxiety and fear, even in cases of severe post-traumatic stress disorder.


Golf is a sport that is synonymous with business, and many deals are made on the greens. If you’re not a golfer, expanding your social network is not the only benefit of buying golf clubs. Golf is an activity that enables you to get out and enjoy the fresh air, and it’s also cathartic. You can feel the tension leave your body when you strike the ball. If you’re not a pro, don’t panic. Start by hitting some shots and perfecting your technique at the driving range and take a few lessons. You can then move onto the course and start showcasing your driving and putting skills. Researchers from the University of Maryland found that playing golf can reduce stress and anxiety levels both during and after the round.


Creative activities like painting have been proven to reduce and prevent stress. They give you an outlet for your thoughts and feelings, which enables you to control and manage your emotions. You don’t need to be the next Van Gogh to reap the rewards of painting. You just need to enjoy the activity. If you’re not very artistic, anything that enables you to express yourself could provide a constructive alternative. You could write or play music, for example.

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