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If you have yet to travel Australia in a campervan hire, don’t let life hold you back. It’s bound to be an experience that you won’t soon forget. From the beaches to the cities, bush, and national parks, it’s a country full of fascinating experiences and beauty.

As you start considering the idea and perhaps start planning, you may be working on a budget. From knowing how much hotels cost and how much tours may be, you may find that it could end up being high. Australia is by no means cheap yet there are ways to spend less and enjoy more.

For example, a campervan hire can provide you with a great place to travel and stay in and won’t cost as much as a motorhome.  A campervan is like a van, but it’s been made to provide comfort and a place to sleep while on the road. It’s typically comfortable enough for one or two people, but many of them don’t have that much lounging space.

While it certainly isn’t a luxury motorhome, a campervan has the basics that will make sleeping in a van more comfortable than you would think. From electronic devices to built-in refrigerators, toilets, and cookers, there are many that provide enough “amenities” to make them as cozy and convenient as possible. Others aren’t as well-equipped and simply provide a bed and a few extras.

So, as you consider road tripping in a campervan hire, be aware that there are different kinds which will make the prices differ. To help you have an idea on the cost, following are some things to keep in mind about prices:

*  The time of year that you go affects prices. If you go during high season, it could be difficult to find available rentals.

*  If you choose to do a relocation rental, you can end up paying next to nothing. Sure, your time may be limited, but it’s one of the cheapest ways to go about road tripping in a campervan hire.

*  Some companies cut back on fees while others load you up with them. Watch out for the hidden fees. Some companies like to sneak them up on you when you’re not looking and before you know it, you would have been better off renting a fancy motorhome.

*  The exchange rate may also affect how much you will end up paying. The prices quoted to you may be in AU dollars. You want to make sure to take a look at the exchange rate before committing to a certain option.

Things to Consider

As you consider the idea of a campervan rental, there are a few things to consider before making your decision:

*  Is it going to be summer when you visit? Summer is very hot in Australia, so to be sure that you don’t end up with heat related problems, you want to consider that air conditioning will be a must. Make sure to rent a hire that has one that works well and that can may have a backup battery for nighttime use.

*  Will you be visiting many different places? If you will not be going on an extremely long trip, a relocation rental may be the best bet for you. It will allow you to get to see some places and enjoy yourself while not costing you much. While your schedule will be limited, if what you want to do is see some of your favorite spots, then it could be the best option.

*  Is it just you or your whole family? If you’re have plans of traveling with your family, do take into consideration that campervans are not very large. If it’s you, your spouse, and a couple of young children, it should be okay. Older children plus parents could be cause for a disastrous experience.

*  Have you ever traveled in a campervan before? If you have never traveled in a campervan before, it could take some getting used to. It’s not luxurious like fancy motorhomes and definitely not like a hotel. But, if you’re fine with “roughing” it, it’s surely more comfortable than a tent.


Renting a campervan can be a great way to save money and enjoy your trip. Just make sure to go prepared. A campervan with all the amenities of toilet, shower, stove, microwave, fridge and more could cost you up to 249.00 per a day while a simple, basic one may only cost you around 30 for a day.

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