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Building a Brand that Lasts

Building a brand isn’t that difficult - create a logo, write a mission statement, choose a colour scheme and bam you’re done. Of course, creating a brand that endures; a brand that stands the test of time and which is instantly recognisable, well that takes much more hard work.

When you want to build a brand that lasts, there are many elements that you need to put together to build something that is bigger than the sum of its parts. What are those parts? Read on to find out…

Work Out What Your Company Represents

First of all, you need to work out what your business is really about. What is its core value? What does it, when it’s boiled down to its essential elements, offer the customer? Once you know this, you can create a mission statement that clearly lays it all on the line and tells the customer what your brand is., The fewer words you can use to do this the better because five words will stay in the mind a lot easier than 50 or 500!

Do Your Own Thing

Many businesses fail to build lasting brands because they try to ape the competition. Sure, they make subtle changes here and there, but basically, they are copycat-ing those around them. That’s the worst thing you can do, all it does is make your brand generic. If your brand is generic, there is no higher chance that a consumer will choose you than all the brands you're similar to. So, do something different, and you’re sure to succeed.

Work Out Who Your Audience Are

If you don’t know your target audience, what they’re into and what appeals to them, your brand probably won’t build up any steam let alone become a lasting legacy. So, do your market research.

Hire a Content Writer

Hire a content writer and have him or her create a short 25-100 word description about each and every product or services you sell too, oh and add it to as many of your promotional products from Promo Gallery (you should use promotional products to help build brand awareness, too. Ensure every word makes an impact and doesn’t include any waffle and your brand will be the one that people naturally flock to.

Have a Style Guide

If you want to build a lasting brand, you need to create a style guide. Imagine if Coca-Cola suddenly decided to do away with their red and white packaging for a jazzy green and pink label - not only would people not notice it, but it would actively turn many loyal customers off the brand. You need to nail down your style early on and ensure that it is used consistently throughout everything you do and all you put out for public consumption. You should do this for written content as well as visual.

There is no absolute guarantee that your brand will be a lasting one, but if you do all of the above, it will be much more likely that your brand is a successful one than not.

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