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7 Ways To Simplify Your Business

What if running a business didn’t have to be so complicated? Many of us get so caught up trying to juggle a hundred tasks at once that we don’t think to spend some time coming up with a simpler solution. By simplifying your business, you can get things done quicker, reduce the risk of mistakes and reduce stress levels for you and your employees. Here are just seven ways to simplify your business for the better.

Outsource complex and distracting tasks

Tasks like accounting can be time-consuming and headache-inducing – often it can be worth spending that extra bit of money outsourcing the job to a professional. This isn’t the only job that could be worth outsourcing. Many companies outsource marketing agencies to help promote their business, legal advisors to help write contracts, IT consultants to sort out tech issues and HR specialists to take care of employee issues. You can even hire a company such as Answer Connect to take phonecalls for you, filtering out the sales calls and general enquiries that could be distracting you from core tasks.

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Use the right technology

Certain technology can help to simplify your business. Software like Intuit Quickbooks can automate tasks like accounting. Industrial machinery meanwhile may be able to speed up processes and reduce human error. Of course, certain technology may also overcomplicate your business if it is too advanced for your needs. It’s worth always taking advantage of software free trials and product demos to see if a piece of technology is right for you.

Centralise information

If information is spread out all over the place, you could find that it’s becoming confusing to keep track of. Try to find ways to centralise information. Software such as Employsure can help to organise health and safety and HR contracts into one place, rather than having these documents stored all over the place. It could be also worth using the cloud to integrate devices so that you don’t have certain files on certain computers. You may also want to consider going paperless so that you don’t have certain documents that are physical and others that are digital.

Digitally record progress

To keep on top of progress, use a programme that can allow everyone to tick off the tasks they’ve completed. By making this accessible to everyone, you might not need to hold as many regular meetings to see where everyone is up to. It could also stop people getting their wires crossed by showing everyone which tasks each person is doing.

Hire strategically

When hiring new employees, aim to fill specific roles rather than general vacancies. You may be able to hire people to take care of niche roles, taking away this burden from you and all your other employees. Make sure to still provide training – someone with experience may still need training to adjust to your company’s way of doing things.

Use less suppliers

Having to buy from lots of different suppliers could save you money in some cases, but it can also make keeping on top of stock and payments trickier. Consider using suppliers that can provide multiple services. This could include opting for a bulk insurance scheme rather than separate insurance schemes from different providers, as well as using one marketing company rather than paying different companies to handle practices like SEO, social media and ad creation.

Offer less services

On top of using less suppliers, also consider the services that you offer. The more services you promise to provide, the more training you need to give your staff and the more resources you need to use. By focusing only on the services that sell well and getting rid of the others, you could make life easier for you and your staff.

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