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If you’ve ever bought a home before, then you can probably remember it as being a stressful experience. Indeed, there was a study that once suggested that buying a home was more stressful than even bankruptcy and divorce; a pretty big claim. While this is the perceived wisdom, and a home purchase can be stressful, does it automatically have to be? The answer is no, it doesn’t, or at least not if you take a few precautionary measures to ensure it never gets out of hand. Below, we take a look at nine tips that’ll have you moving your way into a bigger and better home with only minimal headaches attached to the process.

No Rush

There’s a lot that goes into a house move; that’s unavoidable. But many tasks to take care of doesn’t have equal stress if you give yourself plenty of time to do them all. If you’re trying to move into your new property as soon as possible, then yes, you’re going to find that things are tough. But what if, instead, you give yourself much more time than you think you’ll need? You’re going to be in your new home for years - surely you can wait a few extra months, and keep the stress levels down to an acceptable level.

Figuring Out Your Finances

If you had all the money in the world, then it’s highly unlikely that the move to a new house would be stressful. Alas, unless you’re one of the rich and famous, then this isn’t going to be possible. You’re going to have to be wise with your money, and that doesn’t just mean when it comes to picking a home that you can afford (though please, make sure you’re doing that too). You’ll also have to factor in the cost of moving, time off work, any other payments that are owed to the people who can organise the paperwork for the move, and so on. In short: make sure you’ve got enough set aside for everything involved, and then a little bit extra - there are always a few added expenses that pop up.

Wants Versus Needs

It’s possible that much of the stress we feel when moving house comes from within. We put so much emphasis on our homes! As such, a little bit of pragmatism can go a long way. When you’re searching for your home, don’t go into it thinking that you’re going to find the perfect property - it doesn’t exist. Instead, make a list of your ‘needs’ and ‘wants,’ and then make sure you’re focusing on the needs. If you can find a home that has all of the essentials plus a couple of attributes from your ‘wants’ list, then you’ll have found a home that’s going to work for you.

Easy as One, Two, Three

Sometimes, it’s not the stress of the “move” that causes all the problems; it’s that once it’s moved into, the real work begins. If your potential home needs a lot of work before you can live there, then the process is going to be over complicated; you want a home that can enjoy straight away. As such, you may want to consider taking a look at properties that are new, such as those offered by Villa World property developer. All you’ll need to do is take all your belongings from your old house and put them into your new house, and, hey presto, the move is completed - and most important of all, without stress.

Make Sure The Home Is Worth It

For a lot of people, the stress doesn’t appear during the looking and negotiating stages of buying a home; it appears when they move into their house, and discover that it has many more problems than they originally suspected. As such, it’s important that you hire a professional to carry out a thorough home inspection before you make an offer on a property. You’ll be kicking yourself if you end up lumped with a home that needs thousands of dollars of extra investment just to bring it up to scratch. Also, don’t just look at the value of the home - take a look at the value of the homes in the neighbourhood, too. Overpaying for a property is more common than you think, and is a surefire way to cause long-term stress - after all, this is one of the biggest investments you’ll ever make!

Don’t Be Consumed

Yes, your house hunt and purchase is important. But is it everything? Absolutely not. Stress usually presents itself when we’re consumed by a task; in this case, looking for a new home. If you’re living and breathing home hunting all day, every day, then take some time to take a break. You’ll feel much better if you pause for a week and just focus on yourself. Buying a home shouldn’t mean that you ignore the other important things in life, such as making sure you’re happy.

Know There’ll be Setbacks

When does life ever go exactly as we had planned? In everything we do, there are always setbacks and obstacles in the way. There’s nothing we can do about them, but we can control how we respond to them. Most of life is about our attitude! If you embrace the fact that there is going to be trouble, then when they show themselves - and they will - you’ll be able to take them in your stride and breeze past them.

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