Dayton Civic And Business Leaders Encouraged By GOP Outline For Immigration Reform: Urge Ohio Delegation To Take Action

Australian Business

DAYTON, Ohio, Feb. 7, 2014 /PRNewswire/ --  Dayton's leading business and civic leaders came together to express their ongoing support for comprehensive immigration reform and provide an update on the recently released Republican Standards for Immigration 
Reform. Participants including: Matt Joseph, Dayton Commissioner; Richard Biehl, Dayton Chief of Police; Chris Kershner, Vice President of Public Policy and Economic Development for the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce; and Steven Lyons, the Assistant Director of University Center for International Education at Wright State University, provided several different perspectives on why our nation's current immigration laws need updated and how action by Congress could benefit communities like Dayton.

"An immigrant friendly business environment is a key factor to economic success and business growth," stated Chris Kershner, Vice President of Public Policy and Economic Development at the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce. "We appreciate efforts being undertaken that will strengthen the entrepreneurial immigrant opportunities and allow for immigrant owned businesses to flourish. Immigrant owned businesses are seeing significant successes in the Dayton area, and we want to ensure this continues."

On Thursday, January 30, Congressional Republicans released their long-awaited outline recognizing the need to fix the country's broken immigration system, detailing their blueprint for reform.

"It is reassuring to know that bi-partisan action at last seems to be moving us toward modernization of the immigration system, including citizenship opportunities for DREAMers," said Matt Joseph, Dayton City Commissioner. "We have worked hard to make Dayton a welcoming city and we look forward to progress on a national level."

Dayton Police Chief Richard Biehl highlighted the impact immigration policies have on community safety, "For 35 years I have worked to improve public safety in urban areas, and know from experience that effective public safety depends on the engagement and support of citizens.I believe that the House Republican principles are an important step toward an immigration reform process that could make local law enforcement more effective and communities across American safer."

"Reforming our broken immigration system is critically important to economic growth, creating jobs, and ensuring the U.S.' continued global competitiveness," Joe Green, Founder and President of said. "We believe the time for reform is now, and we join Americans of all backgrounds in calling for passage of reform in 2014."

The GOP principles include:

*To request a recording of the call and/or to schedule an interview with on the call's participants contact Sheila Ross at

About is an organization started by key leaders in the tech community to promote policies to keep the United States and its citizens competitive in a global economy—including comprehensive immigration reform and education reform. believes the global economy is changing and America must make significant changes to stay ahead. will work to encourage Congress to focus on policies that maximize the potential of our country's workforce to contribute to the knowledge economy.