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Teleconference To Highlight Methods To Save On Capital Gains Taxes

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LOS ANGELES, Oct. 31, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Veteran tax attorney, Bruce Givner, who represents many celebrities and high-net worth individuals with their tax and estate planning needs, will be speaking during a 90-minute teleconference on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 9 a.m. PST. During the presentation—"Sophisticated Capital Gains Tax Strategies—The Risks and Rewards," Givner will discuss various issues related to tax savings on capital gains.

"When you consider that many capital gains—such as the sale of real estate, a business, or appreciated portfolio holdings—which can add up to six figures or more—the additional taxes paid can be huge," stated Givner. "There are many sophisticated strategies a person can implement before making such sales and that is what our presentation will cover."

According to Givner, the topics that will be discussed during the teleconference will include: The appropriate conversation to have with trusted advisors prior to making the sale; when the timing is optimal for installment sales—when they can and cannot be useful; tax deferral by selling to a children's trust; when and how 1031 exchanges should be made; the benefits of charitable trusts; and the myths and realities of the highly-lauded "deferred sales trust" option.

Registration includes participation by phone, coupled with a lively Q &A session, handout materials, an audio recording of the teleconference and a Certificate of Completion. Fee for the event is $159. Those interested may register at: teleconference is open to CPAs, financial advisors and also the general public.

Bruce Givner, Givner & Kaye in Los Angeles, has practiced tax law for almost four decades. His expertise is in income tax planning, estate tax planning, asset protection, sophisticated retirement planning, tax litigation, charitable giving and more.

SOURCE Givner & Kaye


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