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Early Warning Report Filed Pursuant to National Instrument 62-103

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VANCOUVER, Oct. 29, 2013 /CNW/ - Great Pacific Capital Corp. ("Great Pacific") announced today that it has acquired 400,000 Common shares of Just Energy Group Inc. ("JE"), representing approximately 0.3% of the outstanding shares, through purchases on recognized Canadian Stock Exchanges.  This brings the total holdings of securities of JE held by Great Pacific, directly and indirectly, equal to 14,726,569 Common shares of JE, representing approximately 10.28% of the outstanding shares.  Great Pacific is a company owned by Jim Pattison.

The shares of JE have been purchased and are presently being held for investment purposes.  In the future, Great Pacific or affiliated companies of Great Pacific may acquire additional securities of JE or dispose of such securities subject to a number of factors, including general market and economic conditions and other investment and business opportunities available to it.

SOURCE Great Pacific Capital Corp.

Business Daily Media