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Adoption Network Law Center Awards Pro Bono Adoption Services In Honor Of National Adoption Month

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LAKE FOREST, Calif., Oct. 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- In honor of National Adoption Month, November 2013, Adoption Network Law Center, a provider of professional adoption services to Adoptive Parents nationwide, is running a pro bono adoption services contest with the intentions of giving back to the community and raising adoption awareness.

Submissions for the contest will be accepted from October 24th to November 15th.  Contest entrants are required to submit all required documents and photos in an email to before the deadline for a chance to be selected as the recipients of pro bono adoption services. After Adoption Network Law Center reviews the contest submissions, the winner will be chosen and announced on November 23rd, National Adoption Day.

Last year's contest winners, David and Melissa of Tennessee, were high school sweethearts, married for 19 years, who had been trying to adopt for 4 years. Kristin A.F. Yellin, Chief Counsel of Adoption Network Law Center, made the call to David and Melissa to tell them they had been selected right before the Thanksgiving holiday. According to Yellin, "We were thrilled to have the opportunity to give back to the community and raise awareness of National Adoption Month and we were so excited for the opportunity to help fulfill David and Melissa's dreams of becoming parents." 

In March 2013, David and Melissa received a call from Adoption Network Law Center about an adoption opportunity of a little boy that had just been born; they accepted and welcomed their long awaited son into their family. In July 2013, David, Melissa and their son, officially became a forever family with the finalization of their adoption. 

"Our son has brought so much joy to our lives and we are so thankful for him," David and Melissa said, after the adoption finalization. "People tell us all the time what a blessing we are to our son, but he is truly the blessing."

For more information about the contest, and for details on how you can enter and win free adoption services, please visit

About Adoption Network Law Center:  ANLC is the largest law corporation in the nation providing adoption services. ANLC's confidential adoption services help guide everyone in the adoption triad through the adoption process with integrity and complete support.

SOURCE Adoption Network Law Center


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