MFour Mobile Research Launches New Product Website

Australian Business
(PRLEAP.COM) Costa Mesa, CA - MFour Mobile Research, an app based research developer for a large number of companies, is very proud to announce the opening of its new website and the reveal of its brand new logo. These are goals that the geonotification company has been working on for quite a while, and they have offered an impressive number of mobile surveys to see how people like it before the launch.

This announcement comes as a pleasant surprise for users of the popular Surveys on the Go application, available on the Droid and Apple smartphone app stores. The new logo and website just highlight MFour Mobile Research's drive for great products and services that work seamlessly on mobile devices. In fact, everything MFour Mobile Research designs is made with mobile in mind, and only mobile in mind.

These products range in what they do, but they are all helpful. The difference a mobile questionnaire can make for a company is astounding. According to a spokesperson for MFour Mobile Research, "Our success is measured by the success of mobile market research, and although we understand that ultimately you are our client, we'd prefer to think of ourselves as a partner in your next study." For insightful and actionable mobile market research, Look to MFour Mobile Research for the best mobile panel technology on the market.

About MFour Mobile ResearchFor a number of years, MFour Mobile Research has been defining the mobile market through innovative mobile marketing research and GPS solutions. MFour Mobile Research has solved problems and answered questions for more people than any other native application in the mobile research market, and mobile market research is very important for most companies today. When looking for a mobile panel company, MFour Mobile Research is the best choice for quick solutions that work. For more detail please visit,