Dr. Ben Carson Finishes Strong in 2014 CPAC Presidential Straw Poll

Australian Business

MERRIFIELD, Va., March 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, a political action committee formed to draft Dr. Ben Carson into the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, is proud to announce that Dr. Carson made a strong showing in the 2014 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) presidential straw poll, coming in third place in a crowded field of 26 contenders.

"Dr. Ben Carson has said he will run for the Republican nomination if the American people are clamoring for him, and the results of this straw poll are unmistakable," said Vernon Robinson, the Committee's campaign director. "Dr. Carson is the best hope for America, and his strong showing in the straw poll clearly shows that the grassroots are clamoring for him to bring principled, constitutional leadership back to the White House in 2016."

This year's CPAC straw poll included 26 potential candidates for the Republican nomination, more than any in recent years. The poll included well-known contenders such as Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), Gov. Chris Christie (N.J.) and former Gov. Sarah Palin (Alaska). Other names in the poll included Donald Trump, Sens. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.) and John Thune (S.D.), and former Gov. Bob McDonnell (Va.).

The annual CPAC straw poll is an early predictor of grassroots support, and it gives a clear idea of what conservatives will be looking for in the next election cycle. In the poll's 41-year history, winners have included Ronald Reagan (1976 and 1980), Mitt Romney (2008) and Ron Paul (2012). Dr. Carson took 4 percent of the vote in the 2013 poll. His jump to 9 percent of the vote this year shows that efforts to bring his qualifications to public attention are working, and the American people are clamoring for his principled leadership.

Dr. Carson's strong showing in the straw poll clearly shows that the American people are clamoring for him to run. In its first six months in operation, the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee raised $2,837,401 – more than double the funds raised in the first six months of the Draft Hillary effort.

Nearly 47,000 individuals contributed to the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee in its first six months in operation between August 21, 2013 and February 22, 2014. The average contribution amount is $45, with many donors contributing more than once. In January, Dr. Carson overwhelmingly won the Linn County, Iowa, midterm caucus straw poll with 87 percent of the votes. And 77 percent of respondents to a poll of Tea Party activists said they support Dr. Carson.

"Dr. Carson's straw poll showing is highly encouraging, and a clear sign that the American people are clamoring for him to run for the Republican nomination," said John Philip Sousa IV, national chairman of the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee. "We must redouble our efforts going forward to enlist grassroots America to stand with Dr. Carson and bring principled leadership back to Washington."

About the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

The National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee is a political action committee formed to draft Dr. Ben Carson into the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. It was founded in August 2013 by John Philip Sousa IV and Vernon Robinson, and works to raise awareness of Dr. Carson's qualifications and to engage grassroots conservative activists in clamoring for Dr. Carson to run for president. For more information visit www.runbenrun.org. Follow the effort on Twitter @DraftRunBenRun and Facebook.

SOURCE National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

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