Christian believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God to mankind and that God preserved his word down through the Centuries. That feat involved the first real exercise in memorization, since God's Word was passed on verbally from one generation to the next with great accuracy. The earliest origins of the Bible, were approximately 4000 years ago. Those were recorded in songs, the spoken word and poetry, since at that time there was no written Word.
The final product was The King James Bible first published in England in 1611. However, that final process took 2400 hundred years to evolve. It involved literally thousands of people and even the Roman and English Empires. It's one of the most renowned historical happenings in the World and one of the greatest coincidences ever without divine intervention.
The Story of the Bible, using that as a collective term spanning 4000 years of history, is one of repression, persecution and brutality. From the very beginning, the established powers attempted to repress the Word of God. They rejected the Words of Christ, which led to his crucifixion, to the martyring of the Apostles, to feeding Christians to the Lions in the Coliseum, to the Inquisitions, to the many martyrs that gave their lives for believing in God's Word found in the Bible. That repression and persecution continues to this very day in countries all over the world where people are still killed and imprisoned for their belief in the Bible.
What is so threatening by, "this is my commandment that ye love one another". Surely it is difficult for many to agree on anything, but can't there be agreement on the simple notion that this world would be a far better place if people were just more kind to one another?
Few people know this historical fact. In 14th and 15th century England, the Latin Bible was the official Bible for the Church of England. However, only the Bishops and people who could read Latin could understand it. At that time the Church of England and the Government of England were one and they decided not to permit the Latin Bible to be translated into the language of the common people, "English". They wanted to repress that knowledge from being known by the common people. A law was passed making it a crime punishable by death for anyone to speak or write words from the Latin Bible in English.
However, the spirit of God moved on people like William Tyndale and John Wycliffe and others to translate the Bible into English. Some common people memorized the Lord's Prayer in English and started to recite it to friends and families. What was the Government of England's response? They arrested anyone caught translating the Bible in English and brutally murdered them by burning them at the stake. They did the same with men, women and children who they caught speaking words from the Bible in English, like the Lord's prayer.
Over the period of 200 years, thousands of people were killed for the heinous crime of "speaking or writing words from the Latin Bible in English". Finally caught for his translation and distribution of the Bible in English, William Tyndale was burned at the stake as well. However, just before he died he shouted, "Lord open the eyes of the King of England".
William Tyndale's prayer was answered 3 short years later when King James of England did a 180 degree turn, decided to stop the killing and commission an authorized translation of the Bible in English. The King James Bible was then to be printed and made available to everyone in England. That is why it's called the King James Bible.
You can see a video about this dramatic story of William Tyndale and how the first English Bible came about at Scourby.com on their web site and it's just click and play. It's only 28 minutes, but it's a story you will never forget.
Since 1611 many other versions of the King James Bible were done, however, many historians and Bible Scholars believe that the King James Bible is still the most accurate version today and that the majestic beauty of its Words are incomparable.
Today by merging the King James Bible, with the voice of Alexander Scourby and Application software for Android and Apple mobile devices, this historical work is now available as an Android Bible and IPhone Bible with rich features that only a few years ago were unthinkable.
God has always used man's creations to both preserve his word and communicate to his people. The Scourby Audio Bible app is just one more creation spanning 4000 years of history that God is using today to speak mankind. You can find out more about the Scourby Audio Bible app for the King James Bible, the Newest Way to Access the Oldest Book by clicking their web site below.
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