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Average Water Bills in Newcastle

Want to know what the average water bill is in Newcastle? We break it down below so you can figure out if you're paying more (or less) than what your neighbours are paying.

Water Cost Components

The average water bill in Newcastle is made up of four different components – here's what you need to know.

  • Water usage charge: This charge varies depending on how much water you actually use.

  • Sewage charge: No matter how much water you go through, the sewage charge stays the same because it gives you access to the sewage lines. You'll pay around $170 for a flat or apartment and $212 for a standalone home per each pay period which equates to $509 and $636 per annum respectively.

  • Water service charge: Coming in at around $75 per annum, this is the charge you pay to access the water lines in Newcastle. So, again, it's the same amount whether you use lots of water or hardly anything.

  • Environmental improvement charge: You pay roughly $40 per year to support the maintenance of the sewage lines, water system and environmental upgrades.

Average Water Costs

The typical annual water bill in Newcastle comes in at roughly:

  • $1029 for apartments

  • $1155 for home dwellings

This is just a rough estimate, though. If you don't use much water, you'll pay a bit less, and you'll certainly pay more if you go through a lot.

Tips for Reducing Your Water Bills

How does your water bill compare against these figures? If you're concerned you're paying too much, there are steps you can take to reduce your water costs. So, to cut your water bill down a little, here are 5 things to do now.

Turn Taps Off

This one's really simple – don't let the water run! Turn off the taps when you're not actually using them.

Inspect Your Home for Leaks

Let a small leak go undetected, and your water bills can quickly add up. Inspect your sinks, washing machine, shower and cistern for visible leaks, and have a plumber check for leaking pipework.

Cut Your Shower Time

Don't waste time in the shower! This is especially important if you have a big family and you're showering every day.

Wash Bigger Loads

If you're guilty of throwing just a few things in the washing machine, stop and wait until there's a full load. You'll use less power, too, so it's a double bonus.

Get a Dual Flush Toilet

Yes, your toilet can make a huge difference to your water bill! With dual flush action, you use less water to flush liquids, and more to flush solids. It makes sense to upgrade your toilet if you plan on saving money long-term.


Surprised by the average water bill in Newcastle? Hopefully you're happy with how your water bill stacks up against your neighbours', but if not, don't stress. There are plenty of simple things you can do to reduce your bill, starting today. That said, it's still a good idea to call in a plumber to check for hidden water leaks, especially if you're concerned about your bill.

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