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Systems Integrators take software and make it relevant to a growing company’s business needs. ERP software, in particular, can aid business analysis, and through it, deliver a company with the key insights it needs to prosper and grow.

When it comes to ERP systems, few compare to Navision

Microsoft Dynamics Navision is without a doubt, the world’s leading ERP system.

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning and it is what allows an organisation that is small or medium to understand its potential and grow by achieving it.

What Microsoft Dynamics NAV brings together - for the purpose of business analysis and the insight the process of analytics delivers - is a company’s entire suite of functions from sales, marketing, purchasing, warehousing, operations, even project planning and management.

Bringing the company’s entire suite of operations together, allows the business leader to get a ‘bird’s eye’ view of the organisation and take decisions that best benefit it.

Organisation is what it’s all about - when it comes to growth

The only thing that separates a company that is growing, from one that isn’t, is organisation.

Growing organisations understand their life-cycle and plan it better.

But a company can’t plan for its growth, leave alone achieve it, if it lacks oversight on all aspects of its operations. Which is why, ‘providing oversight’ on all a department’s functions is a key feature of Navision.

By bringing together functions, Navision brings together business intelligence and insights

Once these insights, and the helicopter view of where each function is at, is available, business owners and planners can use them to take decisions that take their businesses to where they wish them to be.

No software arrives customised to a business’ needs

That’s why companies seeking to grow with the help of technology, need a good Systems Integrator on their side.

Systems Integrators understand a software suite thoroughly. They also understand business and individual needs, very well.

They use this combined expertise to customise the software and ensure it meets the needs of every single employee or individual in the organisation.

Most Systems Integrators will also train your employee to use the customised software

Millions of dollars’ worth of software are abandoned by firms every year, because the people who own the software have not trained staff on how to operate and use them.

A good Systems Integrator will not make this mistake. They will have exceptional cross-vertical experience, be experienced handlers of technology and people’s needs and will adapt their software to ensure the organisation’s overall aims and objectives are achieved.

If your business is growing, it may pay to consider how an ERP software can help

There are many IT Consultants who have an excellent understanding of technology and how to integrate and fit it into an SME business’ unique environmental needs. An external consultant or Integrator usually has qualifications that only time, and experience, can deliver.

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