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As the title says, the topic of today is the SEO which is used in digital marketing. Before we start the main discussion, you need to learn briefly about SEO. Safari Brisbane SEO explains that SEO stands for search engine optimization, and this technique is used to increase traffic on your site by improving your rank in the search engine, which generates more revenue.

So, it is very clear that what the importance of SEO in digital marketing is. Now let’s talk about the different types of SEO used by successful digital marketers.

White Hat SEO:

White Hat SEO is regarded as the best SEO to improve online marketing. It refers to all optimization techniques that follow Google’s search engine guidelines. The techniques that will fall under this category are – creating high-quality content that rigs values to your page and helps to improve the ranking, clearing the codes of your site by optimizing HTML, sharing your contact information (social media, email, phone number, etc.) and making your site user-friendly.

In the long run, the white hat SEO techniques are the best for your site as well as your business. Many firms provide white hat SEO services, but New York SEO is one of the best SEO service providers.

Grey Hat SEO:

Grey hat SEO techniques are in the middle of the white hat and grey hat techniques, includes bits from both of the white hat and black hat techniques. These are used to get quick results and to fulfill clients' pressure.

Google does not prohibit the grey hat SEO techniques, but we will suggest you avoid these techniques as these are not the best methods to improve your ranking; you may face some hazards in the future. Some examples of grey hat SEO are – clickbait articles, spun content, link exchange between two sites, paid reviews etc.

Black Hat SEO:

This form is the exact opposite of white hat SEO, which takes advantage of the loopholes or weaknesses present in Google's search algorithm to produce a better rank. It is a very dangerous practice as this SEO can lead your site to get blacklisted.

The most common types of these are spam links, keyword stuffing, cloaking, hidden text, and links. The main aim of these is to mislead the user and make him visit the site of the marketer using these techniques.

On-Page SEO:

This category denotes all the techniques you used to make your page rank higher. It includes the creation of high-quality content, the addition of meta-tags to make your content more understandable, using HTML tags to highlight headings and to make sure that there are no broken links present in your site. If you want to get higher click-through rates and improve search rankings then you should check information from seomofo.

Off-Page SEO:

Off-Page SEO refers to all the steps you take outside your site to rank better in Google search engine. It includes the building of links from trusted sites of the same domain, social media marketing, having positive reviews from customers, etc.


As per our research, these are the most used SEO techniques. We have mentioned all of them in brief. We want to suggest you lastly to avoid the black hat SEO techniques for the betterment of your site.

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